The Home Stretch!!!

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Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan
September 1st 2006
Published: September 1st 2006
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Prepare for the Aussie invasion in 7hrs time!!!

I am in Brunei airport, have been in Brunei since 10am this morning, delayed flight, but we got a free hotel room which was cool. So tired, have been on plane 16hrs already, not much sleep, absolutely exhausted, eyes hurt coz i can't take my contact lens case on board the plane so my contacts are basically drying out in my eyes, so painful!!!

We left Edinburgh wednesday arvo, arrived london Luton at about 6pm, caught a coach to heathrow airport, and from there a taxi to the Comfort Inn for the night. Gemma wanted to splurge on a hotel room, so she paid for it, i was happy haha.
We got room service and watched movies then went to bed. Got up at 4am, got ready then packed and caught a shuttle to the airport. It was the least stressful of all the airport checkins we have had to date, we must be just used to it by now. Got on the plane at 10am, long flight, watched movies, got to Dubai, got off plane for 20min, got back on again, flew here to Brunei. Leaving here in about an hour to come home! Poor mum, i hope she rings the airport before coming, coz we have been delayed even longer than expected 😞 i can't sms her coz my battery has died. Ah well, its all good.
Well, i am off now, about to fall asleep at this net cafe computer, but i will hopefully see everyone soon!! xoxoxoxoxox


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