Antarctica: Pure joy

December 2nd 2006
Published: December 3rd 2006
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During my time in Antarctica I kept a paper diary. I am so glad I did, as the enormity of what I experienced while I was there is too overwhelming with hindsight, and if I hadn't kept a record of my thoughts and feelings as I was experiencing them, there is no way I would be able to convey them now. So, without further ado, I give you Emily's Antarctica Diaries . . . Day One: Thursday 23rd Novem... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
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Day Six: George's Point, Ronge IslandDay Six: George's Point, Ronge Island
Day Six: George's Point, Ronge Island

This was the hill we slid down on our bums!

3rd December 2006

There is, and always will be something incredibly cool about penguins. Great pics and a very well written journal! All in all, good work!
3rd December 2006

Em, the pictures are brilliant!
3rd December 2006

Wow, wow, wow! It looks cold, but it sounds awesome. : )
3rd December 2006

wow!!!!!!!! How can you set up a trip to antartica? I never gave that any thought.
3rd December 2006

Wow Em, looks so amazing. Ive been thinking about it a lot, and before uni im definatly taking a year out to see the world. [= Antartica will definatly be added to my list, im so jealous of you right now. Hastings is horrible, raining and really windy. Anyways, i have lots of revision to do for my mocks and a peter pan rehesel this afternoon. [= Hope the next stage of your journey is successful. Lots of Love. xxxxxxxxx
3rd December 2006

Lost for words!
What can you say? You have done it. Wish I had! Just cannot imagine what it would be like to see it for myself. Maybe I will have to.....
3rd December 2006

Just one word
WOW! xxxone of your personal green eyed mostersxxx
3rd December 2006

So pleased for you and can't wait to hear more when you eventually get back
3rd December 2006

wonderful pics!
Hey Emily, I'm christine from Ushuaia. spent 10 great days in Buenos Aires, and am now back to NY. the pics are really great!! continue enjoying your trip!
4th December 2006

Really enjoying your journal - you write so well and the pictures are fab. Perhapsou could comission special antarctic trip for all your envious friends Keep it up!!
4th December 2006

Looks amazing, I always liked Scott, Shackleton etc at school, as usual am ridiculously jealous, keep on enjoying
4th December 2006

I've got to go there!
Em! What an amazing experience that must have been, your photos are wonderful and your diary has made me want to up sticks and wander over to antarctica! Thatnks for making me smile with some brilliant penguin photos!! Shame you weren't allowed to bring a little one home!!!!
4th December 2006

4th December 2006

Just a salute to you from the Netherlands on your other worldly adventure. Love the photos, the descriptions, the details. Thank you thank you for sharing. Fantastic :) And i think you're only about half way thru your trip (!). Ciao!
5th December 2006

Your pictures are great and it looks fantastic! I'm looking forward to reading about your next adventure!
5th December 2006

I reiterate what Peter said about the pics..... I am so envious, I'd give anything to be there with you !!!!!
6th December 2006

Emily, Your pictures are astounding I am following your travels with great interest as is the rest of my family as I show your blog to them all upon receipt of your updates. Enjoy your travels xx
7th December 2006

Big thank you!
Emily, What a wonderful adventure you are sharing with us. The pleasure you are experiencing is so evident - it is contagious. The photography is magical - maybe you should have sold your pictures to the compant instead. WOW is just about the only possible word to use. Chris
9th December 2006

Hey Emily! What amazing pictures. Looks like you are having such a fantastic time. We really want to go to Antartica. We are in Vietnam now, only 2 months before heading back to UK! A year sure goes fast!!
10th December 2006

Brings back memories
We were on the same cruise early this year, at the end of the Austral summer. Your blog brings back so many memories, especially the sheer joy of having been able to experience something so special. Leaving that little ship was one of the most depressing things we ever experienced on our rtw trip.
17th December 2006

still very jealous
I'm now unbelievably jealous after seeing your pics! I have recently become rather obsessed with penguins since watching an episode of planet earth. They really make me laugh and are just so cute it's untrue. Sorry I haven't sent a proper email yet I will do v soon just only get access to my hotmail at the boyfs folks house. Keep enjoying these amazing experiences xx
7th January 2007

I am on my way !
Great reading and whetting my appetite ! I will be cruising down the Beagle Channel 30 January 2007 in anticipation of those wonderful experiences of the Antarctic Peninsular returning to Ushuaia 6 February. Some great photos. Thanks Em.

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