Hi again from Zimbabwe (original email)

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Africa » Zimbabwe » Masvingo
January 21st 1998
Published: May 5th 2016
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… first half of email lost …

Cape Point at the southern tip of the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Aghulas (at the southernmost tip of Africa) were the geographical highlights. We hadn’t made any real plans for New Year’s and we were very fortunate to meet some folks on the beach who were having a New Year’s Eve party at their beach house only a few metres away. New Year’s Eve here is pretty much like it is anywhere else in the world with lots of drinking, hugging, kissing and well-wishing … except we were all at the beach wearing shorts and a t-shirt!!! We both managed to get a nice sunburn during the day (Ann’s very first sunburn ever … I was proud to be a part of it) and spent the next few days doing pretty much nothing.

At this point we headed back to Jo’burg cuz Ann had to get back to work. While there I talked with some of the big-wig-type-guys from Geodass (the ones I’d met before Christmas). Guess what??? They gave me a job and I’ll be working here in Masvingo with Ann and about 3-4 others for the next month or two. I’m currently a fuel-truck driver with aspirations of learning all there is to know about Airborne Geophysical Surveying. It’s pretty cool stuff … they fly around in helicopters with a bunch of Electro-Magnetic and Magnetic equipment and look for rocks. Ann figures out what kind of rocks they are. I even got to fly across the border from South Africa to Zimbabwe in the helicopter … wahoo!!!

So, now we’re both here getting paid reasonably well and drinking at the bar for free at a beautiful hotel overlooking a beautiful lake (actually all the expenses are covered but the free bar is the best). I’m actually going to be learning all the computer processing aspects of surveying over the next little while as well and I’m not sure but I think Geodass may offer me a full-time computer processing position after this job is complete … I’m not sure what I’ll say to that yet.

I suppose that’s about all the news I have for the moment. The email may be a little bit less frequent over the next while cuz I am working after all.


~Drinking and Driving: Whoa man! There hasn’t been much of a push to curb the habit of having a few for the road. There are hammered people driving home from the bars every night (and not a single one wears a seatbelt).

~Having massive security systems: In Jo’Burg anyway the security systems are ridiculous … the crime rate is so high that people have pretty much imprisoned themselves in their homes. The average middle class car has a motion sensor alarm, another alarm that has to be disarmed before the car will start, a gear lock (a lock that prevents the gear-shift from moving) and a steering wheel lock (and if it’s not kept in a garage it’ll probably still get stolen).

LANGUAGE TRANSLATION: There are actually 11 official languages in South Africa (there were only two before Nelson Mandela took power). English and Afrikaans are the two most prevalent followed by Zulu and a host of other indigenous languages. Because of the Afrikaans (and other) influences there are lots of words and phrases that belong only in this part of the world. For example:

Phrase … Meaning.

I’ll be with you just now = I’ll be there in a minute.

This is a ‘lekkar’ beer = This is a really good beer.

Howzit = Hey, how are you doing.


Mom & Dad (Gerry’s): I haven’t been able to get hold of a Canadian Operator for the past few weeks but I’m almost certain that you guys can call here without too much difficulty. The number is the same as last time (263 is the country code for Zimbabwe). The best time to get hold of me is between 6pm-10pm Zimbabwe time which is 11am-3pm in Ontario. We start work at 5am so I’ll never be around in the morning.

Jason: Can you make sure that my mom & dad get the above message as soon as possible.

Ken/Martin/Ted/Rita et al: I’m glad you guys all finally have email now. Expect to get one from me every now and again. If you ever need to get hold of me the number is above and I can check my email whenever I happen to be.

Ang: I didn’t actually realize that you’d not been back to Oz since we met 5 years ago. Are you ever going back? I’m still planning to get there several months from now but I’m not sure exactly when yet.

Jackie/Potsie: Sorry for the delay. Sounds like you guys are having a great trip.

David: Hey bud? How’s life with you? How’s Trixie? I hope she’s better. I’m back at Glenlivet… the phones still don’t work so email me. How’s the almighty NT? I’m ready for any French questions … hard to do over mail though. Can you please send me that software for talking over the computer? If you or Arun could email it to the glenlivet address as a zipped file, I could talk to you forever! Nothing new happening here really. Same work, different day. We’ve had a lot of bad weather … I’m reading a lot of books. I never thought I’d miss a TV. Have you seen any good movies lately? Movies that were out before I lef tare just coming out now. Tehre are no movie theatres for 100’s of km, but I saw Kiss the Girls in Jo’burg which was pretty good. I still want to see The Full Monty, the new James Bond movie, The Game … oh, I saw Titanic and that was most awesome! I recommend it jus tfor the special effects. I miss you lots bud! Some day we’ll travel together … write me soon … k? An.

Paul: So… did you make it into math/bus? What response did you get??? Where are you living? Did you finally get your package? What’s your email address?? Write me for the monkey’s have demanded you so! An.

Arun: Wow, the last year of school… hopefully! Good luck man! I know this is a busy term for you. Are you planning to travel after… hint hint wink wink nudge nudge… An.

Kimmy: hey gorgeous babe! How them volleyball days be going? Is your knee keeping up with you? I’ve decided to look for an African voodoo doll or something to call back your fish when they disappear. I’m sure they exist somewhere. I haven’t met any cute boys yet to bring back. There have been a few that were quick to want to marry a Canadian girl, but they weren’t much to look at. I still don’t know when I’m coming back… perhaps not before March now. I hope you’re making use of my room. I miss ya babe! Oh, and tell Roger MMMEEEOOOWW right back at him! An.

Dave: HIHIHIHI. Just wanted to let you know I miss ya! Sorry I haven’t written more… I’ll try to change that now that Gerry’s here to kick my butt. I’m going to teach you some awesome games of poker dice and lie dice! Very addictive. Is my plant dead yet? I guarantee it would be if I were taking care of it. Give Brad a hug for me, will ya? Thanks. An.

Brad: Hey babe! Any thoughts about travelling Africa? How’s hockey? Rugby and soccer are pretty intense here… and cricket. All I do here is work and drink and watch awesome sunsets. It’s a hard life. An.

Beck: Hey buddy! Got the new email address. Let me know that you got this message and I’ll send more.

Bobby: I LOVE YOU BOBBY AND VERN!!! AND JESSIE TOO!!! … An. ME TOO!!! Oh and if you guys ever want to call check the message above to my mom & dad. Gerry.

Ted: No problem borrowing the skis but don’t wreck ‘em.

DLA: Hey man. DO you know if Scott (Goddard) has an email address? If so can you send it to me please. I have to ask him a copule of questions and it’s tough to do on a postcard. Thanks.

JDF: Is there anyone left to go to slowdowns with you anymore? Bradshaw too!!!

GB: Where’d you go to anyway?

JHT: Hey there … haven’t talked to you in awhile … how’s SAP and stuff … have you put a map on your wall yet?

Christian: Et tu mon ami? Il n’ya pas beacoup de personned a P&G qui je connais maintenant. Bon chance a ton nouveux emploi et je m’excuse pour mon francais, ce n’est pas tres bien. A bientôt.

Zohar : So how’s the new job going?

Louisa : Hey there. How was your visit to Oz! How long has it been since you’ve been home anyway?

Eileen: So you went home for x-mas huh. How was it? FYI I flew from Bombay to Jo’burg and it cost me about US $500 or so. It’s cheapest usually to route through London I think. Let me know where you end up.

EPD: Hey again … I went to Botswana as mentioned above so I’m up to 46 … and I may have been further south than you now too I’ll have to check the map.

MES: Hi pal. Thanks for the note. I’ll be here for a little while I guess. I hope you’re all doing OK.

Mike Nesterenko: Thanks for the email. I sent a postcard but I guess it didn’t get through. Keep up the letters the English is fine.

Love. Gerry & An*


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