Kiddies , Pigme's and Tree Houses

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Africa » Uganda
July 2nd 2006
Published: July 2nd 2006
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Some orphans came to the camp site and sang and danced for us which made me cry my eyes out, they're so adorable and have absolutely nothing but are so good natured - they just wanted to take photos on my camera so they could see themselves. Audience participation is a big thing out here sadly so we all made complete prats out of ourselves jumping up and down - it was really bad timing as we'd just put all our laundry in so nobody was wearing a bra, I think maybe they knew that and were having a laugh. A little boy asked if I would sponsor him and the next morning when we went to the shop to buy art and crafts made by the orphans, he had left a picture he drew for me of a gorilla with his name and the orphanage's address on it - they really know how to get you! So in addition to the kids I can't fit in my backpack, I'll probably end up sponsoring a truck load too.... I've got to toughen up or I'll be skint before long!

We are in a resort overlooking Lake Bunyoni which is absolutely stunning, I am staying in a tent on stilts up in the trees!! It is a palace compared to anywhere else we have stayed, and we have had two days of chilling out in the sun. I wish I could stay here for weeks, I don't want to get back on that stinking truck!

The showers are incredible - they are really high up in the trees so you stand under the shower looking out and all you can see is the Lake - and before you ask nobody can see in, they did think about that when they designed this joint.

We got the boat across Lake Bunyoni to a Pigme village - we were met off the boat by about 40 kids who ran to us and grabbed our hands and guided us to the village - they started hitting each other to get a space next to me and hold my hands - I have never felt so popular in my life and it did slightly remind me of Inferno's - after a few steps I had two children holding each hand, and two on each arm, forming a wall in front of me so I had to walk to the village in pigeon steps and kept tredding on the back of their feet.

I thought it would be like a circus act with three feet tall ankle biters but they're all about 5 foot. They sang and danced and then as has been the norm everywhere we went, whipped out the souvenirs that we felt obliged to buy and too guilty to bargain for - mum I've got you some hand made pigme bowls, I bet you can't wait!!


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