On Getting Arrested, Being Alone and STAR WARS

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November 29th 2005
Published: December 28th 2005
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On Getting Arrested.

OK so I got arrested. Not really. Just a ride to the police station. I was in Matmata where the some parts of the Star Wars movies were filmed - and the tourist police came by. As I was the only ewok in town, I got lucky. Yes, the police wanted to see my passport and ask all sorts of personal questions. As Hardy was busy asking me out for coffee every five minutes, Laurel was examining my clean passport. The Hardy character really did remind me of his name sake - besides being rather roley-poly, he was sporting the requisite police mustache. As I was tuning down offers for coffee Laurel noticed that I had, in his words, dropped from heaven. He meant of course that there is a period in my passport that is un-accounted for. This is of course due to my using two passports. After much convoluted conversation in Arabic, French and English - and a few words in Hebrew thrown in by me for good measure - they finally understood that because I wanted to travel in the Arab world I needed two passports. One with Israel stamps and another without. Laurel claimed that he would need this to be cleared by his chief and wanted to take my passports. Fearing that I would never see them again I told them I wanted to accompany my passports. They were only too happy to oblige. So I had coffee with Laurel and Hardy after all. Not just one cup, but six. Funnily enough, at the Police station they seemed not so interested in the question of my passports. Finally at 11.30 I got a ride back to the hotel. I never got to meet the all important police chief needed to clear me - my passports were on the table in front of me the entire time.

On Being Alone

Before I left everyone - save the Eimes - were concerned about my being alone. At least here I have not been lonely for one minute. Nor have I ever felt afraid or concerned about being alone and female. Being alone, I am much more open to the people around me and consequently, I have had many more opportunities to meet other travelers and locals. I am sure that if I were with someone I would not have had so many interesting experiences.

One Sandwich - 2 Dinar
One ride to Matmata - 5 Dinar
One night in the Star Wars Hotel - 100 Republican Credits
Getting to do whatever you want whenever you want - Priceless

As you can see I am really a big fan of traveling solo. For anyone else hesitating - Go for it. You will not regret it.

For the Star Wars Bits

Unfortunately my camera batteries died while I was loading the photos for the last blog and I could not find batteries that were strong enough to power up my camera, so I have no photos any of the stuff.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there was a production company. And this production company spent seven uneventful weeks filming in Tunisia in the 70's. And the tourists have not stopped coming since. Matmata is where the Berbers burried in the limestone seeking relief from the heat. is where Luke's Uncles house is and where that hive of scum and villainy was filmed (for the un-initiated that is when Obi-wan and Luke go looking for a ship and find Han Solo - you know the cantina scene).

I also went to Chenini. Its a Berber village with a mysterious underground mosque with seven foot graves. Apparently Christians hiding from Roman persecution hid here, fell asleep and grew to enormous heights. The Middle Eastern Sleepy Hollow! The village is scattered on the side of a hill and has no running water. There is a pump at the top and the bottom of the hills and the women carry the water home in plastic jugs. There is however electricity and every house (although it looks like a set from a Jesus movie) has the ubiquitous satellite dish. I think I'd trade the satellite for indoor plumbing. Really.

Then I went to see the ksour. These are Berber granaries built several centuries ago. They are hive like, barrel vaulted structures that are stacked on top of each other. They look otherworldly - no wonder they were used as part of the set for Star Wars. Think Annikin's house and the slaves quarters on some planet in one of the films (I'm afraid I don't remember its name).

Well that's it. (for now)


30th November 2005

Cool dude arrested! I have never been arrested (at least not that I remember). Actually I was questionned that one time at the US Open for scalping tickets. Star Wars...right on. Glad you are having fun.
1st December 2005

READ interestting Travelblog
Shira, WOW how wonderful what your traveling stories and places you have been.. Keep writing and be safe. Love you Nannie
9th December 2005

You go, girl!
You're a great story teller! Keep the blog entries coming. Some publisher is going to pay you a pretty penny for your thoughts one day when you're done and safe back home! Love, Liz

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