Richardson Short Report 3/16/08

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Africa » Tanzania
March 16th 2008
Published: May 8th 2008
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What a month we have had in Tanzania. Words will not be able to do justice to the true depths and zeniths that we have experienced over the last three plus weeks. Jerry Clower, once had a song that said something to the effect of "Shoot up here amoungst us, as one of us has got to have some relief", speaking of a man in a tree with a wild cat. At times this probably best sums up our feelings.
But first things first. We are thankful for God's continual answering of our prayers as Stephanie Stafford has had her surgery and is now at home resting for a few weeks while she recovers. The cyst that was removed was larger than thought at first, so we are thankful that the doctors were able to safely and effectively relieve her body of the problem. Continue to keep the Stafford's in your prayers as Stephanie recovers and as Cy is traveling around reporting on the work while they are home on furlough. Also the Bakers are in the States on furlough, pray that they get their much needed rest and Grandma time as well, and that they are successful in getting their needs accomplished while home.
The last week of February we were able to move into a different house here in Moshi that significantly reduced some of the financial burden of the church. As with any move, new houses, meaning a new location, not actually a new house in age, have there own share of time to figure out exactly what works and doesn't work. More is still not working at this time due to having visitors arrive just the day after the move. Dave and Randall joined us here from Tennessee to assist us in the preparations of beginning the garden class with drip irrigation. We are hopeful to be able to see them again in the near future as the classes on a larger scale begin. The day before they were to leave we welcomed a group of 12 from the Sayre and Elk City congregations. This group assisted in starting a new congregation in Marangu Mwika. What a true blessing to see a new body born. Ask most people, even some of our older preachers, not many people ever get to experience this first hand. And While I am speaking of this group, I want to take some special time to thank them again publicly for all of their efforts here. They fortunately or unfortunately, experienced many of the problems with us while they were here for the two weeks. Lets say that this visit was more like day to day life here than most campaigners get to see. All of them handled it very well, they learned the meaning of (T.I.A.) This Is Africa. All of our visitors are blessing in so many ways, but this group from Sayre and Elk City, have a special place in my heart forever. You all truly were a blessing to us, and to the work here, and most importantly to the Kingdom. Please continue to keep the Hartman family in your prayers as well, for heavens gain, of Tim Hartman. Many times those few days after the services are conducted, and people begin to return back to life, is when the families need us and our prayers the most. Ralph and Nancy, along with the rest of the family, you are in our prayers daily.
The day after the Sayre/Elk City group left we welcomed back Greg and Kris Neill along with four young students who have decided to spend their spring break serving Christ instead of themselves. I am so inspired when I see youth of this caliber, and People like Greg and Kris who are mentoring them and molding them into true servants for the causes of Christ. Greg traveled with me and my brother Matt on my first trip to Tz back in 2002. We love Greg and Kris, for what they mean to us, and what they mean to the Kingdom. They will spend their week here working with the Nursery school and one of the orphanages in Boma Ngombe. Please keep Timothy, and the rest of the Masawe family in your prayers, (Joesephat, Mary, Wilfred) as they have just lost an uncle. They experienced the lost of their father just a short time ago.
Unfortunately since I have started with all the good news, I just have ran out of space to share with you all of the less pleasant stuff that has been going on. The good news is that something must be going right, or the devil wouldn't be working on us so hard.
Continue to pray for the church here, as well as around the world. The first Sunday in Marangu we had over 17 locals, this last week another 15 returned. We are currently studying with 3 older men, who we are excited about on many levels. First is their salvation. Next is their age and education. One is a Vet, one works for the water department. But being advanced in years, once converted, they will bring stability to the new church. They also receive high levels of respect, as age is considered a blessing here. We also know after the month that we have had, and what the devil is capable of, there are so many things that can be stumbling blocks and hindrances to any congregation, certainly a new one. Continue to pray for us and the other missionaries that are working here. That God will continue to bless us with strength as we labor in a foreign field. If this was easy, we would not have to beg for harvesters to enter the fields. And last but not least, thank you for allowing us to be here co laboring with you in Tanzania. Truly we are the ones that are blessed, even in our trails. I now have a better understanding, to a much smaller degree of what Paul must have felt, as he experienced labor pains, in the new congregations that were begun. And to even a much smaller degree, what Christ must have felt like, upon leaving Heaven, to be despised and rejected by men. We are the ones, who are truly blessed!

With Love From Africa,
Brent and Julie and the Kids


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