Climbing Kilimanjaro: Days 1-3 (Part 1 of 2)

Africa » Tanzania » North
December 15th 2008
Published: December 21st 2008
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Preparation Some time after the last Eid al-Futr (Oct. 1 -4), I began thinking about what I was going to do for the coming Eid holiday in December, Eid al-Adha. (The Eid holidays are huge national holidays in Jordan that combined with weekends can add up to 5-10 day vacations. Whereas working in a Muslim country as a non-Muslim can have its drawbacks, the Eid holidays are a definite bonus.) Num... Read Full Entry

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7th January 2009

Nice blog
Thanks for a nice blog. It1s a thorough description of the difficulties of summitting Mt. Kili
3rd March 2009

Mike, I am blown away from all the variety of environments and adventures you have been exposed to in Jordan. Just looking at all the stories on your blog with your challenges and excitements makes me understand better how unique Jordan is. Thank you for sharing. Bruce

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