Surprise Guests

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January 15th 2008
Published: January 15th 2008
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Surprise GuestsSurprise GuestsSurprise Guests

These are the six young people that we hosted for eight nights
Life has certainly brought some unexpected events over the last couple of weeks. As soon as we received news of the death of George’s mother, he was able to arrange a flight out of Tanzania the same evening. The funeral was January 5. George has enjoyed visiting with his sister and two brothers, in spite of the circumstances. It has been good for them to have this time together.

A couple of days after George left, I received a private message on our travel blog from a distressed mother, whose son, as well as five other young people, were in Kenya. You have likely heard of the violence that has been occurring in that country, due to a recent presidential election. These young people needed to leave the country, and needed a place to stay. We knew that their parents were worried, and we were happy to provide a place for them, until their time of scheduled departure. To make a long story short, six young people arrived in Moshi Saturday evening, January 5. I kept four girls, and John Hall kept 2 guys. I prepared most of the meals, and John helped arrange activities for them, and drove them
Moshi LadiesMoshi LadiesMoshi Ladies

These are the ladies from the congregation that visited me last week.
to various places. They spent eight nights with us, and left Sunday, January 13.

In the midst of having unexpected guests, Luke and Lindsey started their school work again, after taking a break. It was a bit challenging for them to get back to the books with a houseful of folks, but they managed to get some things done.

One afternoon last week, a few of the ladies from the congregation here paid a visit to me, to officially express their condolences to our family. They also brought two loaves of bread, as a gift to us. I was very touched by their thoughtfulness, and those two loaves of bread sure came in handy!

The ladies of the Moshi congregation had a planning meeting this past Sunday afternoon, to discuss various things that they’d like to accomplish in the new year. One of the things they have requested is that I present a one-day seminar, on the topic of how can women serve in the church. This seminar is tentatively scheduled for February 23, so I’ll have many hours of preparation between now and then.

It is difficult to express how thankful we are for each of you. We’ve been greatly appreciative for the many messages we’ve received. Your outpouring of love and concern for our family during this difficult time has been comforting to us.

We are anxiously waiting for George’s return this coming Wednesday night, Jan. 16. On the same night the Hochdorf family will be arriving. They will be working in the Arusha area, with the ACSOP, as well as helping area congregations. Please pray for the safe travel of everyone. Also, please remember to keep Julia in your prayers. She is still in California, and will be for a few more weeks.

In Christian Love,


15th January 2008

Howdy from the US
Howdy all you peoples over there, How are you all doing? Thanks for all the wonderful service you give to the Lord. Keep up the great work. Will talk at you later. Love you all, Angela and gang

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