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Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha
June 27th 2010
Published: June 27th 2010
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...... definately if u r here u must check out the safaris present , i did 3 different safaris in 4 days total and it was amazing. i did the tarangire first , so we left our house about 8 am in the morning and got going to the safari and it took about 5 hours to get there , and ofcourse with washroom stops and paying at the gates of the national parks . the first day or at tarangire , it was alright weather not to hot and not too cold , the animals seen were mainly zebras, will the beat, pumba, monkeys, buffalo and many many many birds so its really cool for bird watching. it felt like i was in the lion king haha . then we camped at night and the next day left to serengeti , where we r supposte to see all the different animals that cud be found in africa. it was alright , we saw many different animals like the zebras , will the beast, the elephants migrate, cheetahs, jackos, hyenas, baboons, monkeys, rhinos , giraffes , many different types of ghazels and birds as well. also many different lizard. we saw a lizard that had patches of different colours on it like purple, brown, and pink which means danger. we did see lions but female lions and with their cubs just laying around being lazy and it looks like they just had food . then we went back to the camp at the ngorongoro crater to sleep the night and see the crater in the morning , but it was freezing cold. ofcourse while i ran to the washroom i came back and an elephant had came in the camp and drank from our water tank, it was amazing when do you see an elephant while ur camping just walk by to the camp drink water and then leave again. also as we were asleep we were warned from going to the washroom due to having lions, hyenas, and bush pigs around , and they all were huge. so it was an intense night , too scared to go pee in the washroom and too cold to sleep and on top my tent on a hill so i kept sliding all night haha ..... i tell ya amazing. so the last day we went thru the crater ngorongoro, wherer we were supposte to see the rhinos or the 18 rhinos that r left in this world but unfortunately we did not see them. instead we saw more lions and infact two were mating haha ........... so apprantly the male lions fight and the winner gets to mate with the female lion, and the mating goes on for 7 days straight , and the go at it every 15 mintues and the mating only last about 2 mintues haha , it was very funny to watch he has to lick her first. also if she isnt happy then she can just leave , or if hes too tired she will just leave him , and everytime they go at it , its a new egg and sperm so a total new individual and this helps them pass on stronger genetics and allow them to survive the wild out there . usually the females are pregnant for 3 months and then have cubs and they just take care of them , since the cubs are born blinde, and also the cubs are under the surivial of the fitest. also we saw water buffalo and will the beast , we saw will the beast fight , and same concept the best fit male will have to fertilize all the females of the herd and usually he weight about 200 kg but at the end of fertilizing he is about 20 kg and dies off cuz hes been starving just fertilizing haha ......... the females all migrate to a safer area and have the babies and it takes them about one month to deliver all the babies and about 8000 babies are born a day so they are the fastest growing animal down here and within 3 hours the babies are strong and can run faster then their moms, its trippy haha ............... we saw leaopards and cheetahs as well just being in the wild , lots and lots of ostrages and birds. it was a crazy wild experience and sleeping around the animals but lol am back at home now well home arusha and work tomorow ............ so if ur down here check those places out u wont regret :D , lots of love from tanzania


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