How to eat smashed goat.

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June 24th 2007
Published: June 24th 2007
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It's been a few days and you'd think I would have a lot to say. Not so much.

Last night (Saturday) I wanted to organize a bit of a bbq and volleyball tournament. As the new chairman of the welfare committee I thought it would be a fun, social activity. It turned out really well, and was handled by Mohammed, who is a an UNMO from Nigeria, a very capable, confident officer. I had wanted to get a picture of the goat we bought before and after the bbq... but I didn't make it in time before the Bangladeshi cooks got to it. Oops. So no pictures.

The bbq goat was shall we say, an experience. I have eaten jerked goat before (stop laughing, it was a Jamaican restaurant) and it was fine, but this was prepared in a very different way. The flavour was fine, and it was served with some tasty bread, but I got the impression that it was butchered with a sledgehammer. There were bits of bone throughout the meat, with some bits as big as my ring finger. Yikes. I was cautioned to chew carfeully as many had heard stories of people breaking teeth on bone chunks. Yummy. I suppose it has something to do with the diet the goats have, as being roaming animals, not kept in a pasture and fed specifiacally to fatten them for market like they do in the West. I guess that limitis the amount of actual meat that you can trim from the bones. But wow... 9/10 for flavour, but the judges say 1/10 for presentation.

I'm headed out of town for the next five days,so I will be out of contact via the good 'ole information superhighway, but I will bring the great Moleskin journal Laura bought me and write my thoughts down while I'm away. then you guys will ge the Coles notes version a few days after I get home.

I had a low fever again on Friday, so went to see the doc again... another Malaria test negative. Now this doesn't mean I DON'T have Malaria, but he is thinking that the chances are small. Phew. I take my Mefloquine (antimalarial) meds every Thursday, so I'm beginning to think that these headaches and low fevers might be a side-effect. I plotted out on calendar the days I have experienced low fevers, headaches and muscle/joint ache and they have always been on Fridays. Coincidence? Possibly but not likely. Maybe I'm allergic to weekends?

On a more serious note, I think Torit the Wonderdog might be sick. I saw him last night and he was standing still ina very awkward, hunched position (No, he was not taking a shit). He actually looked concerned if you can imagine that. His ears were flat out to the sides, and he seemed barely able to move. I called to him and patted my leg, which usually works to get him moving, but he seemed frozen, but kind of staring around like he was confused. Very odd. I hope he is okay, but I haven't seen him at all today. I wish him luck.

Anyhow, I'm out of here until Friday. Take care, I'll talk to you all next weekend.



24th June 2007

Be safe. Don't talk to stranger....oh wait, that's your job. Crap. I love you. Can't wait to hear how the patrol goes. xo
27th June 2007

Road Trip
Hey Don, enjoy your road trip. Your blog entries are awesome and I'm very glad you take the time to write them. It's nice that you're attempting to caputre the entire experience over there. We're all back from MBWK 3, everyone in one piece. No serious injuries, but several crashes resulting in minor ones. MM, BBB, and KZ had the worst of it I think. Everyone was killing it, I think Y is finally addicted to Whistler. Squamish was steep and deep, but had some fun stuff lower down. Fromme was awesome, we rode Seventh Secret (no snow this time), a bit of Air Supply (where George and some Swedish dudes killed all the gaps, KZ, Y, and BBB hit up the first one, about a 20 footer), and then down Pipeline. Woodlot was okay, though I don't think we found the good trails. More investigation required. Good times.
3rd July 2007

Back in Vic now
Hey Don, I had to go to Hfx for a week following MBWk and I'm back in Vic now. I'm just catching up to your blog. Please trust that as much as you were missing us during MBWk, we were thinking of you twice as much. We didn't get near the amount of footage we would have gotten with you and/or BT around. Pic put an effort in though, as did KZ and George so we may be able to piece together something, although it won't be as good as the MBWk 1 and 2 DVDs you put together. Whistler... I can't believe you guys never told me how good it was, thanks for keeping it to yourselves all this time. :) Stay safe over there Dude. Oh, nice broom! Y

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