Knysna heads

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Africa » South Africa
May 19th 2010
Published: September 2nd 2010
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Ogling at big houses we couldn’t afford, we pootled round Leisure Isle slagging off vulgar houses belonging to people with more money than sense, before stumbling upon Knysna Heads, a heady mixture of craggy rocks and wild Indian Ocean (who’d have thought? It’s lovely and flat in Seychelles…)

Hunched on its rocks were a wine bar/restaurant and cafe, both perfectly situated to take full advantage of the ruggedly beautiful views. Children scrambled over earthy rocks protruding from shallow waters aiming for the small lighthouse. We sat on a bench and right classy like finished our cheese and crisp butties before brushing off our crumbs, uncrumpling our clothes and waltzing into the wine bar, hoping they hadn’t noticed us five minutes earlier. After lingering over a glass of wine, we left for the viewing point further up the hill and from the bluff cliffs had a fantastic overhead view of where we’d just been. We met a couple both sporting Liverpool tops, good people, making me think that if the other one and I wore tops with our football allegiances displayed, Liverpool and Manchester United, we’d probably get arrested for inciting a riot.


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