Food Glorious Food!

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December 25th 2011
Published: December 29th 2011
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Today in the UK may well be Christmas Day, but here in South Africa for the Engel clan December 25th 2011 is Food Glorious Food day!

We didn't bother with breakfast today as we knew what was to come! A glass of orange juice and and apple got us through the morning before we headed to La Petite Ferme - set deep in the valleys of Franschhoek with views that have to be seen to be believed. A jazz musician walked around the gardens playing the saxophone while we sat on the veranda tucking into our 5 course meal. You can see from the photos that great fun was had by all. Although this time we didn't pick the wine pairing we were greeted with a glass of Cap Classique and tried some of the restaurants specialty wines, so by the time lunch was over we were starting to become wine experts (and i think my veins now have rose running through them!)

We returned to our hotel and spent the afternoon by the pool in the back garden.

In the evening it was time for our next meal. Were we hungry? Not a chance!!! But a five course tasting Nouveau Cuisine menue with wine pairing awaited us. At this point we were getting tipsy and silly - not a good combination in a rather posh restaurant. The food was amazing but we had to wait for long periods between each course as most of the diners had opted for the 9 course menue so we had to wait. It gave us more time to enjoy our wines....

Our tipsy state may have led to Mark taking on a dare involving the hotel swimming pool late at night... check out the pictures (don't worry they are perfectly 'clean'!)

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