Didn't expect to be here!!

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March 18th 2009
Published: March 18th 2009
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So, we were whisked on a course yesterday, even though we weren't actually on the course?! We just had to sleep up at Willow Point because everyone else was going there, and there would be nothing for us to do at Upendi. But they changed their minds, and today whisked us back to Upendi so we can do Spinning and swimming PT 2moro!! So random. And apparently we're kayak-rolling all day 2moro... lets add to the collection of leg-bruises!! :p

On Sat afternoon (14th) me and Iona went for a daunder after helping to make the salad for the braai :D we got some awesome stuff that I'd never tasted before, bean-like shiz. We'd just left, and James and David and Flip whizzed by and picked us up in the beach buggy, so we drove to the beach, ran around for a bit and I walked back, was very noooooice. Tried to play my CD I got, but it kept jumping!! Will have to get it checked, it was fine at the market :ยท we went for a night out to Knysna, it was interesting!! Got a massi bottle of brutal fruit (SA version of bacadri breezer, bascally) for R20, thats like a pound 50!! Was awesome. Wasn't a fantastic night though, Knysna is definitely better during the day, there was a few pubs and 2 clubs and some very slimey people!! We met Willie and a couple of his friends though, was kool. Luckily, the slimey people steered clear of me :D Natasha wanted choc raisins, so we went on a mission to find them, but no garage in Knysna sells them!! How rude. Went back around 4 in the morning, was shattered, but was an intersting experience, glad I went.

On the Sunday, I was DP so should have got up at 6 to open the gate, but I got away with 7 :p went back to bed and slept til 9, that is definitely a sleeping record out here for me!! Had brekkie, and me and Nadia and Chloe and James and David and Flip went to Buffles Bay for the day - it was awesome actually!! Just ran and skipped and wave-jumped and body-boarded and ate ice-cream and chatted and read and listened to music and got a proper bikini tan for once, hehe. We met Pieter, who was there with his uncle and aunt. It was strange, I didn't do anything special, but it was such a good day, I'll never forget that day, just dancing along the beach, sitting in the waves - I felt so free and relaxed for once!! Had a kool chat with Flip about stuff, didn realise he had been home-schooled!! and Pieter boarded at school - apparently its more common over here than in Britain. Came back, came to this place and watched a bit of the movie Sex Drive, it was really good!! (This internet cafe is also a movie rental shop, we made friends with the people that work there) :p came back and Braaied it up again!! Watched some people play poker badly, then spoke to mum and Ailsa and people, was so happy to speak to Ailsa on her bday!! Missed her that day, really wish I could have been there, but what can you do eh :p I hear she had an awesome time!! Stayed up til midnight, that's my girl 😉

Had a kool day on Monday!! Woke up early to do my own PT, did the 3.somethingk run, actually properly timed it (found a stopwatch on my iPod) did it in 11mins 30secs, so not bad I think. Although, I don't think we can do the 2.5k run on Sat anymore, cuz I think they want us to hand out water?! Crazy stuff, will let you all know what happens in the end anyway. Had brekkie, did some washing, then Fuller gave us girls a 'girly' chat, about what to do if we have womanly problems on course. Lovely. Then, we all went to Buffels Bay (again) to canoe surf!! Was so fun. Although rather dangerous, I think everyone picked up some form of injury from the canoes. Mine was nearly bursting my lip again (but didn't, thank god!!) it wa so funny, we had to fit the canoes with floatation devices so we didn't sink!! Me and Iona had an awesome time in our canoe, we caught a couple of waves easy!! Its impossible to stay in the canoe when you do though, and emptying it is such a mission!! It was so fun watching other people fall out the canoes. It was such an awesome experience!! Came back and went to the gymmmmm, its so good being able to do exercises I did at home!! Got an awesome dark choc bar from la Spar, and went back to base to find Lulu and Rose and Maria had arrived, was awesome to see them again!! We got foot massages on the go, then I went to play poker at Chats - but Gemma called, so spoke to her instead. It was soooo good to talk to her!! Felt so awesome afterwards. It was so kool, standing in the rain (was mingin weather that day) under the wooden thing, listening to it fall around me. Was like home-weather!!

17th - St Paddys day!! Iona was quick to remind us of this :p got up early for PT, it was soooo good!! Awesome 4some hill sprints, but we ended up doing 6. I love it so much!! Don't think it really pushes me though. Its horrible having to dip in the vlei after group PT though, especially that day, it was freezing and kept randomly raining!! Not fun, totally gunna get a cold soon. Its getting a bit colder like. It was prep day for the course, so I got assigned to help Charlene (out kitchen lady) pack up stuff, ended up filling loads of 25ltr water drums and carrying them to the buckie, not fun!! Then, had to spoon ants out of the big tub of suger. I couldn't believe they were actually going to eat it, but there you go!! Hoyed all my fruit as well, becuase we thought we were gunna be at Willow Point til Fri (how wrong we were eh!!) Packed up, and it turned out I didn't have to be on the Whaler to take it accross, so me and Iona and Natasha sat around reading for the afternoon, was nice 😊 got picked up eventually and taken up to Willow Point - it was SO COLD it was unbelievable. I shotgunned the sofa bed :D it had a wooden beam in it though.

We were all bicking the PT in the morning, cuz wewere told it would be an awesome 4some sim (swim to the boat and back, run to the flagpole and back - repeat 4 times) but we ended up just doing tonig work and water aerobics and 1 swim instead, it was better, def!! Had a hot shower after, was niiiiice :D me and Iona and Natasha ended up sorting paper work and the teachers out for the course, and bascially being at Fuller-s beck and call, not fun!! Then helped Charlene in the kitchen, I cannot believe now unhealthy the potato salad sauce is (but it tastes sooo good!!) :p had lunch, then chilled a bit, Iona went to the abseil set-up with Fuller, and me and Natasha went for a walk up to Cloud 9, lovely viewpoint, so taking G&G!! Took photos, had a good chat, then came back to find out we were actually going back to Upendi!! Packed up, came back and gymmed it, was good, but wasn't really in the mood, body is sore!!

Its Wednesday already, its strange, I have no concept of time out here, even though I'm so aware of each day, what day it is, in relation to other days. Each day goes on forever, but the weeks seem to fly by. The world really amazes me, especially after seeing the stars at Willow Point. Something I'll never forget, and never ceases to amaze me, every time.


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