Victoria Hotel 1906 Hotel, Montagu – don’t ever bother going there

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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Montagu
May 12th 2010
Published: September 2nd 2010
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Lunch out of the way, a bit of wandering the streets, back to our Koo Karoo pad (each mention of the B&B never fails to lead to an annoying chorus in my head of ‘I am the Walrus’) and it’s time for food again, yippee!

Earlier, we’d spotted a trendy looking restaurant part of the Victoria Hotel 1906 whose decor, all velvet and lush, I’d liked. We asked about eating there, were told reservations weren’t needed but that the kitchen took last orders about 9pm.

We turned up sometime after 8pm, it didn’t look too busy and there were more than a few tables free, though no waitresses to be seen, so I popped my head into the small bar area to see if we could have a drink and book a table for about 30 minutes hence.

This it seems was asking too much. The guy turned us away on the basis that though the tables looked empty (with no reservation signs I might add) they would soon be full as some of his hotel guests had booked dinner and would come soon to eat. We explained that we could eat now or wait and have a drink in the bar (with no-one in it) if that helped but no, he insisted that rather than us wait and get frustrated as the kitchen wouldn’t be able to cope with our order (I know I like to eat but we were two people!) he’d just turn us away now. I pointed out that we’d been told we didn’t have to reserve but still the man insisted; essentially his as yet nonexistent diners (with no reserved tables remember) took precedence over us, very real, hungry ones. The other one was quickly ushered out by an indignant me as he crossed the too nice line and started apologising for us not having reserved (like it was our fault!) and for once words failed me as it sunk in we’d been refused service at a restaurant that wasn’t busy at all, waiting for as yet to appear guests with a kitchen that couldn’t cope with shock horror two people daring to come in off the street wanting to eat. So I promised myself that revenge would be mine and I’d tell everyone, EVERYONE what a sorry ass place it is.

So THE VICTORIA 1906 HOTEL IN MONTAGU IS A SORRY ASS PLACE. They evidently don’t want customers so don’t even bother going there.


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