Hiking in Jurassic Park

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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Knysna
October 29th 2014
Published: November 2nd 2014
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Started the week off with a walk in Knysna forest (yes we found it eventually). It was like walking in Jurassic Park, huge trees, massive ferns and all the wildlife noises that you would expect to hear. Saw lots of animal evidence (poo!!) but didn't come across anything except some frogs and the longest fattest millipedes you have ever seen. Baz thought I'd promised him a walk in a bug free zone, bless! It was a good walk and we went on a particularly hot day to avoid the heat of the sun although the humidity in the forest was a bit stifling. If we were celebrities and if we were in the jungle we could have shouted "get me out of here"! After our walk we headed home and had some delicious ostrich kebabs on the BBQ, they were fab.

Went for a long walk along the beach, the only day I didn't take my iPad and what happens, we got stopped in the middle of the road by a troupe of baboons who were in no rush. There were around 20 in the group and it would have been a fantastic photo opportunity. The walk on the beach was amazin, only us on it and the dolphins were so close you felt as though you could paddle out and touch them. They put on a fantastic show for us and quite made our day. We are so spoilt. Came back to a massive thunder storm and forked lightning which lite up the whole sky, it went on for ages and was the best light show I have seen, spectacular.

The weather this week has been very disappointing, we have had a lot of cloud, some rain but not much but it's been really quite windy. I'm thinking I need to go on holiday to get some sunshine, what is going on?? Not impressed, one bit! Anyway we have snuggled up at night and have had a fire, it's been nice and cosy. We went to the Plettenburg hotel on Friday night for a wine and dine evening. It was all about the wine really and was hosted by the Jordan family who have a vineyard in Stellen Boch. They gave a little talk about each of the different wines you were having for each course, it was very interesting however I only really liked one of the wines. I must be lacking when it comes to having a palette that appreciates fine wines. The meal was lovely and even my lovely husband who definitely does not have a palette for fine food (unless you can call pie, crisps and beer fine food, mmmm, he may have a point) even tried salmon and caviar, an experience he won't be repeating any time soon though! The hotel was beautiful, it overlooks the bay and has been host to Nelson Mandela and Richard Branson, but now the Bennetts have been it's ratings will be through the roof or is that the floor Not quite sure! We had a good time, it was a little different and brought back happy memories from our food and wine paring that we did with Ann and Tony in Stellen Boch last time we were here.

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