My first 2 weeks

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February 16th 2006
Published: February 16th 2006
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So, I've been in Cape Town for 2 weeks now! Holy COW!!! I feel like I'm on vacation and according to my dad that's what it sounds like as well! Within the first 2 hours of being in Cape Town I was on my way to the top of Table Mountain.
On the second day I was on the top of Lions Head and since I have been on a peninsula tour, toured Robben Island, visited a few townships, moved into my house, been to 4 beaches, walked the botanical gardens and there is still so much to do.
Everyone has said that I will experience culture shock but it hasn't hit me yet The most "shocking" thing is the townships. Shack after shack with people in the streets everywhere because they can not get a job. No one was liing when they said Cape Town is one of the most beautiful cities in the world but if you go 10 minutes on any highway you become surrounded with devestating poverty. The beauty of the mountain seems to bring some hope to the desolation however.
I am excited to work in the townships and hopefully get to know a lot of the people fairly well. I don't know what area I will volunteer in (health, child care, education etc...) but I'm excited to learn a lot from the social workers and community members.

One thing I have yet to get used to is crossing the street. If anythign were to happen to me while I'm here it may be because I looked right first instead of left! I didn't know driving on the left side of the street would cause so much confusion!

The scenery here is gorgeous and I hope my pictures can capture some of it's beauty. the mountains are never ending and I can't wait to hike up most of them before I leave. 6 months is a long tme but i feel like if i don't know anything now I never will!

Oh some exciting news -the President, Mr. lives behind me! I live in a house with 12 other people (it used to be occupied by monks) and there is a large compound behind us which he lives in while he is visiting the area! That is either reassuring for our safety or a bit more frightening since his approval is decreasing. Either way we find it exciting... maybe he'll attend one of our parties?

One of the BEST things I've seen so far.... the cave in the quarry at Robben Island. It is where Mendela and the rest of the political prisoners were forced to pee while working (not too exciting) but it is also where they taught others how to read/write, and they started planning the constitution. about 1/3 of S. Africa's constitution was discussed in that uranel right below the Robben Island gaurds. I can't imagine havign so much audacity and faith for freedom. Our tour guide of the prison was an ex-prisoner which really made it moving and so personal. I can't imagine retelling the stories of that time and the treatment he underwent every day and walking by a prison cell which he called home for 8 years.

Anyway that's it for now.... hopefully my pictures will tell most of the story! I wish you all the best, and have a great weekend! Cheers!

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


on top of Loins Head (facing T Mnton top of Loins Head (facing T Mnt
on top of Loins Head (facing T Mnt

Erin, Jess, Me, Juls, Emily, and the tablecloth

16th February 2006

It's about time you updated this thing! Hope you're having a blast everything looks so cool. Thanks for the card and hope you had a good V-Day too. Love ya, Melissa ps I'm not going to Greece any more...but Spain this summer is going to be soooo nice.
16th February 2006

Good gravy, it DOES look like a vacation. =) Nice photos!
16th February 2006

It looks like you are having so much fun! I am very jealous, so you have to have extra fun for everyone else... oh and do some nice things for people too, hehe! We will see you when you get back!

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