Bye Bye Cape Town... and watch out New Zealand!

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September 19th 2008
Published: September 19th 2008
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Whoop whoop, well guess what - the weather improved today and I got to do my final 2 dives! So I'm now a PADI Open Water qualified diver! EEK! Think we were out for about 50mins altogether, diving around the shores of False Bay, eyeing up the wildlife, getting tangled in masses of kelp and generally doing some great diving! It felt as though this dive was easier than the last one, in terms of not panicing so much and feeling more familiar with getting the breathing right, popping my ears without having to think about it too much. It's all good! I was even having a little sing-song (well, was more a humming kind of sound) as I paddled along...

Gemma, my instructor was taking pictures and I was following her along the bottom - trying not to crash into her when she stopped to take a pic, she's a bit of a happy snapper! But hey, I looked great in some of the pics, I reckon I could definitely go in the next Bond film 😊 They're going up on facebook apparently, haha (OMG!!)

No photos from this week with having done my dive course. Probably doesn't make for an exciting read on here without the pics! Will do better next time, promise!

So that brings me pretty much to the end of writing my blog for Cape Town and of my Western Cape adventure.... heading out tonight for some partying. I'm off to stay with Leon tomorrow night (Andre's brother) and then leaving here on Sunday morning to start the first of 3 (sob) flights I'll be taking to my next destination - New Zealand! :o) Happy Days!

Hope you're all enjoying the blog so far, it's good fun to write so I hope it's as good to read!


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