Arrival into South Africa and Drankensburg Mountains

Published: October 16th 2016
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This post was written on 16th October as I didn't have internet acces on the 6th October.

It took two hours to go through passport control!Many people in front of me were worried that they were going to miss their connecting flight.

Once I finally got through I then found out that some of out group of 16 had arrived and some were soon to arrive since we were all on different flights. One chap, Paul, was the only other member of the group to be on the same flight. We then met our guide Sidney who took us to a small hotel to wait for everyone to arrive. We finally left about noon and stopped at a wimpy for lunch. I'd never eaten in a wimpy before!!

We then travelled through the Drakensburg mountains to get to our eco-camp, so called as it runs on solar power and collects its own rain water. It was dark once we finally arrived and very atmospheric with no lights (apart fro in the buildings) and bats swooping overhead. I didn't get my room straight away so it took a bit of time to get it sorted. We finally then sat down to properly get acquainted and ages ranged from 34 to 75!


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