Just the beggining

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January 15th 2007
Published: January 15th 2007
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Yesterday we went to a Baha'i devotional and were finally able to spend some time with local residences. Usually devotionals in the states or the ones I have been to last about 15 minutes to a 1/2 hour max. The one we went to here was about an hour long and there was alot of singing. there were about a dozen of us but it felt like a lot more because we were in a very small hot flat. I enjoyed it a great deal and it was strange to feel at home so far away.

Afterwards I had a good conversation with Charles a young man from Uganda and Narman a middle aged man from Iran that has lived in many different countries on the African Continent, and Canada they have both been in South Africa for a long time. We talked about some of the issues that are plagueing South Africa. From what I gathered the issues here are very deep and the ending of Aparthied was just the beging. Charles talked about how he was in Europe for three years and when he came back everything was different. He stated that the country is changing rapidly and it is very exciting.

The Baha'is were very friendly and happy to see us. I feel that I will be spending a great deal more time with them. They were more then willing to lend a helping hand and said to call if we needed anything at all. The best thing about spending time with the Baha'is is that we can openly discuss racial issues as they are all dedicated to racial unity, one of the core principles of the Baha'i faith. Racial topics so far seem to be a touchy subject here.

So far I have been doing as little talking as possible. From the little I have seen South Africa is almost two completely different countries, third world and first world.


16th January 2007

Racial Issues
I'm very interested to hear more about how things are going between the different peoples over there, high and low class, and the rainbow of colors. As well as hearing more stories about the Baha'is over there. It finally snowed here justin! Rochester got 6 inches. My mom is convinced it's all for her, because it's her birthday today and she views snow as a special present to her from God. Yeah, she's nutty, but she's my mom :) I"ll be working 6 days a week from now on it looks like, all opening shifts, that's right, sleepy Danna has to be -AT- work by -5:30AM- so sick. Most of them are either half shifts, so I can go home and sleep, or they are split shifts around me going to class, and thus working a 12 hour shift, with 1-3 hours of class in the middle.... great.... I miss you buddy, I'm really glad we got to hang out before you left. Send me Katie's blog address too when she gets one! Later Orange Dragon Epsilon!
16th January 2007

Amazing experience
Hello, Justin. What an amazing experience you are having already. I think that you are right on to be a listener first vis a vis the attitudes you'll be encountering. It seems there will be many parallels between your experiences on the rez and what you experience in SA. Best wishes and stay linked! P.S. Chris and I are working on seding 15 boxes of books to you for the kids/teachers. Annelies
21st January 2007

Race topics are a sensitive issue because westerners come to south africa and then take the high moral ground stance when their own countries are equally as racist.. ive lived in europe for 5 years and the level of racism is SHOCKING... its worse than in south africa!

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