sister, sister, come here; I have a special deal for you

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Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar
April 27th 2006
Published: April 27th 2006
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That is the refrain of Goree Island, which is very much one big market. I dont have time right now to do justice to the very moving part of it and my general perceptions of Senegalese perceptions of the slave trade, so I have to stick to the fairly innocuous shopping.

For those of you who followed my Russian blog, I have learned to haggle! I went really hard line on it and made some great deals. As it were, I spent most of my money, but also took care of gifts for all female friends and family members in the biggest shopping coup in history, in which I pressed a saleswoman into TWELVE good quality, non-plastic bracelets, some coral, some glass beads, one huge one that was probably worth 5 or 10 thousand CFA on its own, for 22,500 CFA, which is quite a lot, but quite a deal. So all friends and family who are female, you have a clue, but theyre all different, so it's still a surprise.

I also bought myself a necklace and earrings, a bag which I needed for the plane, and a small turtle carving. However, I did not allow myself to get hustled. They'll try anything to rope you in, so I used anything I could to get out of it. I had to save another student who's kora (traditional instrument) was being held hostage, and I got a friend a good deal on a necklace-- they asked 20 000, but I got it down to 3 500 each for hers and mine. I pretended I was a Russian student and started as if I were calculating rubles and spoke with an accent, although I dont think they cared much. I told one lady who was suggesting scarves and table cloths for my sisters that I have none when I have four (sorry sisters!). I told another lady pressing me to buy an animal carving none of them were my totem (although their English wasnt good enough for that) and that I hate turtles (sorry Patton, my lovely pet!). It was an adventure. I feel much better equipped for the fabric market my roommate and I will be visiting this weekend (I'm hoping to get some clothes tailored).

anyway, time grows short, and the sky is dark, so I' m heading home, which isnt far.

bon soir!


27th April 2006

It will take me a week to stop laughing!
28th April 2006

Yes? I'm here! What's my deal? Is it a pretty pretty pony for a wink and a smile?
Hope all is going well with you! I have one week of classes left. I am sick of college. Do you happen to know if there would be any way to do missionary work in somewhere down there?
4th May 2006

LOL!!! Nzie, Tom and I are helpless with laughter at your haggling techniques. Pretending to be a Russian student...well that is only half a fib I suppose after your adventures in St Petersburgh and Moscow. I hope you find some lovely things to remind you of this memorable trip.

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