2 weeks in Namib part 1

Namibia's flag
Africa » Namibia » Windhoek
June 30th 2006
Published: July 23rd 2006
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Well my friends I am having a wonderfull time.So my plans have changed a bit, thats part of life.Im really missing my friends back in Oz but that is part of it all, I do hope some of them will come and join me somewhere in the world.

Windhoek Is not one of my most favourite places to go and visit but we had a good time in the end.We where a small group of 4.Staying with Lood Ludiks' family.They are wonderfull people and we had a great time.

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Photos: 2, Displayed: 2


At the border At the border
At the border

From left to right: Zak, Lood, Marguerite and Me
Long roads in NamibiaLong roads in Namibia
Long roads in Namibia

They say if you walk these roads you can see at least 2 days into the future.

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