Arrived in Windhoek

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Africa » Namibia » Windhoek
May 28th 2006
Published: May 28th 2006
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Ik ben en Windhoek!! And I will have to work my Africaans... because it's even more used than English here!

I arrived yesterday. My trip was of course very long but no mishaps, so can't complain too much!

We're staying in a guesthouse right now which is nice, clean and cheap, but we need to find a place closer to the city and where we can work from (we have no Internet in our rooms right now... I'm in a Internet cafe right now...).

Anyway I still haven't figured out what to think of the city; it's NOTHING like any of the African cities I've seen so far.

I'll be posting maybe in a day or two, with photos if I can hook my laptop up to the Internet.


Have a safe trip Marieke! Email me whenever you can!

Liefs Mom and Dad! xxxxx Hug to Bilbo Greetings voor allen (ok I have noooo idea if this made any sense... just hope it wasn't obscene! hehe)


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