Swakopmund area

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July 20th 2010
Published: July 20th 2010
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Windhoek, Swakopmund, Cape Cross

Watched the sun rise in a stunning African sky, completely cloudless with a huge sun. Unfortunately it was Joburg airport and zero degrees, and another few hours to ur destination of Windhoek.

Both felt an intital surge of pleasure at being back in Africa as we drove West to the seaside and desret resort of Swakopmund. Many things very different to our time in Kenya, 17 years ago now, good level roads, Western petrol stations (including this one I'm using the internet in). Towns all clean and tidy.

After a week here we're getting used to the desert climate, wrapping up warm to start the day, peeling off layers of jumpers as it warms up, boiling hot in the middle of the day, then suddenly cool to cold in the evening.
In Swakop bought a field guide to the birds and mamals of Southern Africa and began indulging ourselves in the wonderful wildlife here at Walvis Bay. This is an uninteresting industrial port that's home to thousands of flamingoes and other wetland birds. It was wonderful to see these ridiculously coloured birds again.
Our next major wildlife encounter was at Cape Cross, north of Swakop and along the suohtern edge of devastatingly flat Skeleton Coast. According to the guide book there are 100 000 Cape fur seals at Cape Cross. There must easily have been this number, with wild green sea and rocks and nothing else for miles around. Cape Cross was the first landing place of a European, Portugese, in a round 1484, he landed for the seals as food. To add to tihs stunning sight we also watched about the same number of black cormorants (I think) fly past in a stream that lasted for several minutes, it was quite eerie as they flew overhead and headed out to sea.

From here we went to Etosha National Park, we've just left and are on our way to Waterburg National Park, I will write the next blog about these when we next find a petrol station with itnernet.


21st July 2010

Hi Great to learn from you the blog is easy access. and good to read your notes. We are in a very warm place in Florida called Port St Lucie and everything about it is great for us. Just what we needed to be away from the UK. We will see Nick and Co. on Friday so I imagine the next two weeks will be hectic. I look forward to more note as you continue your journey. Keep safe Love Dad

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