
Morocco's flag
Africa » Morocco
May 18th 2013
Published: May 24th 2013
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Well, Morocco was an experience.

My buddies David, Michael and I decided to head off to morocco on Friday 17th May. We got the ferry from Tarifa over to Tangier where we wondered around but didn't do much sight seeing as we were told it was not the best city to be in. It was also raining which didn't help.

We got over over night train down to Marrakech (which was approx 11 hours) where we shared a small cabin with a man and his wife. We shared mikes sunflower seeds and goofed around for a bit before trying to get comfy and get some sleep, which did prove difficult.

Arriving at Marrakech station at 8am, we dragged ourselves off the train where we already had the arab men pestering us to take their taxi. We needed to find our hostel - Waka Waka hostel, so we jumped in a cab who drove us through the crazy roads. There were so many motorbikes, bicycles, cars, donkeys and horse & carts manically going up and down the roads. Crazy.

We were welcomed pleasantly at our hostel, where we sat down and got brought some moroccan tea.

Itching to get out into this new city, we headed out the door to go and find the Medina. We got lost on numerous occasions, so many small streets leading us to different market stalls with Arabs trying to sell us their goods. I had a lot of looks from both women and men - due to me being a blonde, blue eyed female. However, I had already bought some head scarves whilst in tangier so decided to put one on. This I believe made a big difference.

After the hustle and bustle of walking around the medina we finally got back to our hostel where we ate our first Moroccan cooked meal of tagines and a fish dish.

We decided to take a stroll after dinner and check out the mosque - the night was still so busy.


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