Didn't I mention...I am on a motorbike trip

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Africa » Madagascar
November 30th 2015
Published: June 23rd 2017
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Geo: -21.4333, 44.3333

One day...I ventured onto the sandy track towards Manja...The track never assured you were on the right track towards Manja...Basically I just decided to follow to wherever this sandy track will lead me...I wasn't sure, I didn't care either...The track was nicely packed sand...It was worth to keep venturing rather than trying to find another better track...I did pass numerous, truly wasn't sure where to go...Thanks God it was still only the beginning of the wet season...I have passed 2 rivers, during raining season impassable...but today...no problem at all...

Holy crap...Is that Manja on the horizon? Truly wild western town...There is only one hotel in town or better said one bungalow compound of extremely low quality...One thing I also learned in my 30+ years of venturing...The lowest quality bed always has an extremely unfair elevated price tag attached to it.

There I was...In a shitty place for one night...There I met a french volunteer, he was working for an NGO and called this shithole his home for about 2 years...Wonderful life...

Well, actually most bungalows were occupied by National Police...Very friendly guys...They told me that during the past months there were linchings happening randomly and the local police could not get the grap on it...It escalated to such extreme that they decided to send in National Police from Morondava to take care of it...Haha...they did venture the same road I planned originally but only with high quality Toyota 4x4.

I did a little service for my motorbike in town...I am sure besides the NGO guy, I am the only whilte guy they have ever seen here...Strange town...Not inviting at all...Not friendly either...I decided to leave the next moring around 4AM...I did


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