36 hours till I don't celebrate New Years...

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Africa » Ethiopia » Oromia Region
December 30th 2008
Published: December 30th 2008
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Today was the first day since my last post that both the phone lines and the power were working at the same time. Ethiopia has made me realize how much I hate Dial-up. So all of the Volunteers brought gifts for a Dirty Santa game. The limit was 10 Birr or 1 dollar. I bought a chinese power converter that only works in China(it's useless here) and a DVD of The Cowboy Way, a horrible movie with Kiefer S. and Woody Harrelson. All in all a pretty terrible gift, I would say. Of the 40 volunteers, I drew number 33 and was able to walk away with a bag of Swedish Fish, that someone had decided they didn't like even after bringing them halfway across the world. Sucker!!! I have to say that I haven't really felt like John lately. The meds I am taking, I haven't gotten used to. Mood swings come more frequently and bad moods are harder to let go of. I am taking it in stride and realize that it has to get better. When I get really down, I think about all of the positive support I haven't gotten by the same people reading this right here. All of you have been huge for me in this process and I will not forget it. I am pretty excited because next week we find out where in Ethiopia we will be going. It will also determine what our next language we will learn is. That's right, I will not be learning just one language. Amharic is the Primary language of Ethiopia, but because of its tribal hertiage, each area has its own language. Some areas have already been ruled out because of security concerns like Afar, Hararr, SNPPR, and a few others. I am kind of hoping on the Tigray region in the North because the Simien Mountains are up there. I also think that is where the Great Rift Valley starts, ( I may be wrong on that). I don't know if you know this but the calendar year, here in Ethiopia is 2001. There is some story that after the death of Jesus, somebody took just over 7 years to get here and tell everyone to start counting. I am not to sure on the specifics but I thought it was an interesting concept. Just finished my first book, Into the Wild. I had heard a lot of people talk about it so I picked it up in the Airport. It was alright, nothing really jumped out at me. We are trying to organize a New Years Party for all of the volunteers. There have been worries about us, "Americans," getting out of hand so someone suggested wearing a placard of what happens when that person drinks too much to control the party. I was thinking of going naked and writing on mine that when I drink too much I put clothes on. Hah. I just also want to say that I am recieving a lot of technical training even though I don't include too much of it in my blogs. Best Wishes to all of you this Holiday Season.


30th December 2008

Happy New Year
You sound great with your humor intact. Don't push yourself, out of country successes come only with time. K.
30th December 2008

new years party
case of 1.75L Clan McGregor for the festivities?
31st December 2008

12 hours til we sleep thru it
Sounds like your sense of humor is still in tact. I believe your new year(s) started last month. Oh and keep you your clothes on, I hear there's an Aids epidemic over there. I miss you and love you lots...
31st December 2008

i can't believe your gone. i look at pictures of you and it makes me feel better. These emails make it seem like you never left. That's awesome your learning all those different languages. new year's eve in a different country has to be in a top ten of new experiences.i love you and i can't wait to hear about what happens next.
31st December 2008

Happy New Year!
I want a picture of you with that placard and a detailed description of everyone's reaction. You crack me up. Mike and I will be getting a package ready for you soon. Thanks for the list of goodies you need. I'm going to throw in some wicking socks for good measure. Humid, moldy feet are not healthy.

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