

Slovakia is the Czech Republik’s republics underrated cousin. And yet, Slovakia has so much to offer. Certainly you will enjoy it more, simply because you won’t have to deal with the trampling hordes of its northern neighbour. And because of this traditions and folklore are more intact, the wilderness more rugged, and the atmosphere, dare I say it, more authentic? Decide for yourself...

There is classical beauty aplenty in Bratislava, wild scenery in the Tatras Mountains, picturesque hidden villages all over the country, verdant rolling hills, and castles around every corner and on seemingly every hilltop. It’s small enough to be compact and wild enough to be remote. Folklore and tradition remain as strong as its national drink ‘slivovica’. It’s lovable and liveable and most of all its affordable!

Don’t follow the herd, follow your heart and visit this central European gem. You won’t forget it and you sure won’t regret it!

Highlights from Slovakia
  • Bratislava is why they say ‘small is beautiful’. It’s old town might be tiny, but it is beautiful and if you walk long enough you will quickly find yourself in the wild and forested mountains that are what this country is most famous for
  • Talking about mountains, hike or ski in the Tatras Mountains
  • Stroll around UNESCO listed Banská Štiavnica, an historic mining town with a beautiful centre
  • Visit the wooden churches of the Slovak Carpathians
  • Go hunting fortresses and castles, there are many: Spiš, Bojnice and Orava to name but a few
  • Wind down in the mountain village of Vlkolínec
  • Spelunk with the best in one of the caves of the Slovak Crast
  • Soak in the warm waters of Pieštani Spa
  • Climb up one of the rickety ladder and chain ascents in Slovenský Raj National Park
  • Be religious in the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth in Košice
Hints and Tips for Slovakia

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