

The birthplace of Western civilisation sits on the south-eastern flanks of Europe. Home to the Olympian gods and host to countless of sun-seekers, Greece welcomes all to its countless isles and craggy shoreline.

It’s easy to understand why Zeus and his fellow Gods choose this part of the world as their base. As they sit on their throne above Mt. Olympus they can look down at the dazzlingly blue Aegean Sea sparkling with the myriad jewels we call islands, scattered as far as the horizon, it is a view fit for Gods.

The Greeks are stubborn and proud, they love life, and a good Greek drama is always appreciated, above all they are survivors. The Persians try to subdue them and got a bloody nose, the Romans succeeded only to find out they had already been infiltrated by Greek culture to such an extent that they might as well have been Greeks themselves, and so the list goes on.

For the tourist there is plenty to do in Greece, from island-hopping to culture shopping. Old temples and ruins dot the landscape, white-washed villages keep out the summer heat, the blue sea conceals hidden treasures, the valleys overflow with olive groves, and the mountains offer plenty of hiking opportunities. And at the end of the day you can indulge yourself in the world famous Greek cuisine. Yum! If you are lucky you won’t even have to do the dishes at the end, just smash that plate!

So if you are seeking solitude and time to think like Plato or Aristotle, or simply want to party like the Bacchantes, the Gods have provided for all.

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