Deni, Dax and Ella


Deni, Dax and Ella

Thank you for checking our blog. We are a small travelling family: Dax is from Germany, Deni is from Spain and Ella was born in England, where we are living at the moment.

"Traveling: it leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller" Ibn Battuta

Gracias por leer nuestro blog. Somos una pequeña familia viajera: Dax es alemán, Deni es española y Ella nació en Inglaterra, donde estamos viviendo ahora.

"Viajar: te deja sin palabras y luego te transforma en un cuenta cuentos" Ibn Battuta

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Chemnitz December 31st 2017

- It's called 'Rettungsgasse' - Pardon, me? - Yes, it means leaving space for the police and ambulances, just in case. I was in awe... after about 15 years of coming to Germany at least once a year, I still discover new things and that's one of the best things about travel. We were trapped in a traffic jam and cars were driving over the hard shoulder line, leaving a big gap between the two actual lanes (Rettungsgasse literally means 'rescue lane'), something that I had never seen before and didn't know why they were doing, so it turns out that Germans are so organised that they make space for the police and ambulances, even if they are not coming. As a Spanish, I was so surprised by this level of organisation, as in Spain, it's ... read more
Chemnitz Christmas market
Chemnitz Christmas market
Chemnitz Christmas market

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Lake Maggiore October 1st 2017

About 10 years ago Dax told me he was going to take me to Rome as a birthday present, I waited and waited and the trip never actually happened. It became a bit of a joke with me complaining that he never actually had taken me to Rome and him laughing about it (although I was very hurt!). Fast forward 10 years and I have finally made it to Italy for my birthday! Not to Rome, but Italy none the less! This is actually a double celebration as both my mum and I are celebrating 'big ones' this year. My mum is not a big traveller but she didn't have much choice on this as she didn't know we were all going to Italy until the previous evening! Fortunately, she was happy about going there and ... read more
Lago Maggiore
Lago Maggiore
View from our window

Europe » France » Upper Normandy » Dieppe June 4th 2017

A few years ago Dax and I went to a town in the South of France called Dax, just because of its name and because we thought it would be fun for Dax to have a photo with the town's name sign (I mean, every reason for traveling is good, right?) That photo became popular among our FB friends and one day, one of our closest friends told us that there is a town in France called Dieppe, which is interesting as his surname is Dieppa so we said 'let's go there so you can also have a photo of your name-town'... and so we did! Taking advantage of yet another bank holiday in UK, we left on Saturday morning and came back on Monday afternoon. Due to this bank holiday, the channel tunnel was quite ... read more
Dax in Dax
Dieppa in Dieppe
Normandy lanscapes

Europe » Switzerland » North-East » Zürich » Zürich May 1st 2017

Someone said to me once that living in Europe is easy to tick off the countries as distances and prices are small... and that's true! With low-cost airlines, the price of flying London to Rome is cheaper than actually getting to the airport by train from anywhere in the UK, kind of ridiculous and bad for the environment, but that's how it is. We do travel a lot by car in Europe as well, but we don't always have the time and I have decided to visit at least one new country every year, so driving from UK is not always an option... long weekend in Zürich it is! Switzerland is country number 5 for Ella... she has already been in more countries than her age! :) Zürich is not expensive, is extremely expensive! but one ... read more
View from the flat with the Üetliberg on the background
The glamour of plane travel
Way down the Üetliberg

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Godalming January 1st 2017

We have completed a circle and are now back on our second home, the place where we met, lived for many years and where Ella was born. Even though I really liked being in Spain and closer to my family, I am very happy to be back here, as I feel like I developed as a person here and it's the place where my real life happened. We've been here for over a year now and have been busy adapting to living here again, although it kind of feels as if we never left, and getting Ella used to be here as, even though she was born here, she was only three weeks old when we moved to Spain. Being the list-nerd that I am, I have made one with all the things and places I ... read more
Stonehenge inner circle
Lavender fields
Lavender fields

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Godalming December 31st 2016

The third instalment of our feet around the world. Look down and you will see a different world. A lot has happened since installment number two (in 2011): Number of children had: 1 :) Number of countries lived in: 2 (Spain and UK) Number of countries visited: 8 (Spain, Germany, UK, Estonia, Netherlands, Switzerland, France and India) Number of continents: 2 (Europe and Asia) Best places: Illas Cíes (Galicia, Spain) Taj Mahal (Agra, India) Worst places: Jaipur (India)...only because I got so ill that I ended up in hospital Best experiences: Have a baby! :) Get inside the inner circle in Stonehenge (UK) See the Taj Mahal (Agra, India) Drive through France and visit Mount St Michel Worst experiences: End up in hospital due to Delhi Belly (Jaipur, India) I wish you all a Happy New ... read more
Majorca (Spain)
Paso del Muro (Spain)
Majorca (Spain)

India had never been on my plans... I'm not a fan of hot, overcrowded places and that's just what India seemed to be so, why would I bother to go there? But two months ago I started a new job and, on my very first day, I was offered an all-expenses-paid trip to India to celebrate the company's 10th anniversary so, even though India wasn't in my plans... how could I refuse? I was getting very nervous about the trip: traveling so far with people I barely knew, to a place that will challenge me in many ways and being apart from Ella and Dax... it wasn't going to be easy. I tried not to think too much about it so the days just flew by and, suddenly, we were at Heathrow waiting to board our ... read more
Taj Mahal

Europe » France » Lower Normandy » Mont Saint-Michel January 10th 2016

I was reluctant to have kids: they are for life! I mean, the responsibility of looking after someone for the rest of my life was a bit overwhelming, as even when they leave home to start their own lives you still worry about them. However, as I grew older this changed and we decided, after all, to have kids BUT we were sure this will not change our lifestyle and we will continue traveling and doing the things we like. Has this happened?, well, not quite. Let me explain myself: When Dax and I met we were both very outgoing and liked being with people and doing things: we met friends in the pub or for a Sunday roast, we traveled by van to different parts of the UK, we got married in the Cook Islands ... read more
The best 'bank' in the world (Loiba)
Bagpipe player statue in Ortigueira

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Ferrol July 3rd 2015

Some time ago, I came across Alastair Humphreys and his concept of "microadventure", which means that you don't have to go too far from your backyard to have an adventure, or go for too long; just get your backpack and tent, spend the night in the forrest and go to work the next day as usual. I loved this concept! (I am now waiting to receive the book to get even more inspiration). So last weekend we decided to do just that: one of the items in my Bucket List is to "sleep on the beach", so taking advantage of the good weather we had all of the last week in Galicia, we pack the tent and perched it on a little hill above one of the beaches in the village where my family lives. Every ... read more
I love this place
Getting dark at nearly 11 pm
A very cloudy sunrise

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Vigo June 29th 2015

Do not be fooled by the photos, we have not been to the Caribbean! The Cíes Islands are a small archipelago at the entry of the Ría de Vigo. They are part of the National Park of the Atlantic Islands and they have access restricted to a certain number of people a day to preserve the flora, fauna and beauty of the place. The only way to stay overnight there is staying in the one and only camping (or if you have your own boat) and you need a reservation in advanced or you won't be allowed on the boat from Vigo. The archipelago is just 2 hours away from my hometown but I have managed to somehow not to go there in all my years (however, this is not that bad, since as I was ... read more
Singing seagull
Clear blue waters
Sunset from Illa do Medio

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