Stuart's Guestbook

17th November 2006

Great blog!
Did you see Salem in full Halloween splendor? Good times.
16th November 2006

Hurlbut Connection
It was a pleasure to finally meet an English Hurlbut and to discuss your travels. Any Hurlbuts out there should check in to find out if there are connections using DNA testing. See what we have sound so far at
16th November 2006

Hey, good writing, can you let me know how much the tour was too, and the company who does it?
12th October 2006

Seattle to Vancouver
Hi Ruthann, no I used the Greyhound bus - saving a few pennies! The weather was bad that day, so I didn't see much.
10th October 2006

Seattle > Vancouver
Hi Stuart, it's the Irish girl you met at Boeing again. I departed Seattle on the same day as you and also headed to Vancouver that day. I got the morning Amtrak train. I'm curious to know how you travelled? Were we coincidentally on the same train? The views are meant to be stunning but the weather was pretty terrible that day!
4th October 2006

A great read
As usual it's a pleasure to follow your journey. We've (me and my girlfriend) have had a lot of use for your blogs about West Africa, all the way to Cameroon which we now have left behind us. Your pictures are getting better and better with the blogs too, keep up the good work. And say hi to White Fang and that wolf-dog in "Call of the Wild" from me, will you.
3rd October 2006

Hebden Bridge
Stuart don't forget that Hebden Bridge is also the Lesbian capital of the UK, after all some of your readers might need to know this! On the serious side Canada looks great, the sort of place where it would be better to own a sea-plane than a car, just wher I'd like to live.
29th September 2006

I would like to point out that Plattenburg Bay does not actually exist. It is 'Plettenberg Bay'. But, we'll forgive you for that - perhaps you're foreign...
24th September 2006

I don't think so!
Not how I remember it. Sue certainly bought the driving lessons. I had no desire to learn to drive and would never have paid for the lessons, (and not just becuase I'm tight with money!) It was a very generous gift - 30 hours of driving lessons amounts to a lot of money. But, the fact remains that Sue bought the lessons because she wanted me to learn. It was a surprise gift. What was I supposed to do? Tell her to demand her money back from the driving school? Refuse to try to learn? So, obviously I went along with what she wanted. I still though felt coerced and manipulated even though she didn't stand over me with a stick forcing me to learn. So, its no historical revisionism. Its just that I know what I thought and felt when Sue sprang the surprise gift of driving lessons. Steps in San Francisco - there are so many of them!
23rd September 2006

Historical Revisionism
Hay Stuart Sue reckons you are re-writing history there! As far as she remembers it was you who wanted to learn to drive. So if you are in San Fransisco what about the Russian Steps? Tales of the City.
19th September 2006

Howdy Hi!
Stuart, I'm the Irish girl you met on the Boeing tour day. Funny, I see myself coming down the steps in your 'Comet, Museum of Flight, Seattle' photo! So I eventually left Seattle and headed north to Vancouver, etc. Returned to LA and spent the end of my travels in Santa Monica which is nice (I had previously spent time in LA and Hollywood and hated it). Just back to Ireland now. Going to be really hard to settle down after all this travelling. Hope to head back out and see the rest of the Americas as soon as I can. Will be following your blog. Best of luck with the travel!
14th September 2006

Hi Armchair Traveler
Yes, Armchair Traveler the Railway Museum was good. Unfortunately I rather rushed up the West Coast - so I missed a number of things it would have been good to see. Maybe I'll be back that way one day in the future. Who knows?
13th September 2006

NW Passage
Yes, I did the underground tour. Vancouver was good, I am now in Victoria. I will be getting a ferry up the coast - the NW passsage.
12th September 2006

You were in my town!
I've been following your blog since Africa, and I was tickled pink at the idea of you being in Sacramento. I was actually in San Francisco when you were here. That railroad museum is fascinating! I was in awe of the fact that the Irish immigrants laid 1 mile of track to (if memory serves me right) every 11 miles laid by the Chinese! Too bad you didn't get to the Gold Country to learn of all the Welsh and Cornish miners. -A.T.
12th September 2006

Underground Tour
Hi Stuart, Did you get the chance to do the Underground Tour in Seattle? Like you when I visited back in 1996 I liked the City. Vancouver is good as well, check out Gas Town and keep out of the Peeler Bars!
21st July 2006

Iguaçu Falls
... and you know why, Stuart, cause the Iguaçu falls are ALL brazilians Argentines use to advertise them in their turistic pachages but the geography doesn't lie.
20th July 2006

Pampas Tour was great
hi stuart, glad you included our photo in your journal. I started traveling myself, its funny you are in my continent and im in yours. Yes, im in England now, London. Im not sure but if i was the one who told you no tourists go to Paraguay, you proved me wrong. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and dont forget to get in touch when youre back in England so we can meet up. The pampas tour was definetely a hightlight, see you back in England. oh, and im a blogger too now, (benjo2) thats it..take care.
18th July 2006

Ridge Terrace
You mean I took money off you for that dump? Now, that is shocking!
16th July 2006

The Ridge
Stuart, stop griping about that room in Ridge Terrace, you got good money off first Stig and then me illegally sub-letting that room!
30th June 2006

Good memories!!
Hi Stuart, just came across your blog. Am so jealous...we left South America at the end of May and we miss it so much! Looking at your photos is bringing back some amazing memories. You can see our photos on our blog (search for Rich & Zoe under bloggers). In Australia now and back to the working life strange being back in the Western world. Our highlights from our trip: Salar de Uyuni, Pampas and Selva tours, Mines in Potosi, Torres del Paine in Chile and Machu Pichu. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Rich & Zoë
8th June 2006

Last april I've been there, and it was great. Good weather, not so hot at that moment. It was wonderfull to see such a beautifull vieuw. I really enjoy the old walls and part of buildings. If you have not been there, you miss one of the beautifull excavation sites of Morocco!
From Blog: Volubus
7th June 2006

´fraid Tom I´ve been drinking lots of Mate de Coca and chewing Coca leaves - it is very good for dealing with the effects of altitude - the stuff makes it much easier to breath. Stuart
6th June 2006

Just say No!
Hey Stuart stay off the Coca leaves, I remember what you were like on Thunderbird! Pictures and Blogs always look cool but I can't think of much to say except Leeds is wet, work is crap and your life looks fun.
22nd May 2006

great photos
Hi Stu, I really liked your photos in this one. Particularly the women in Uyuni and the Fox. And the Volcanos, really spectaular area. Got to chew those coco leaves, or drink the tea, no headaches. Maybe see you in Mexico?
1st May 2006

Found your blog for the first time yesterday. I've now just finsished reading th whole thing. Amazing adventure! And the image that will stay with me most is one of you in a dodgy hotel in Chad, sharing a bed with a bunch of cockroaches. Nice!

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