Stuart's Guestbook

25th August 2011

Great pics.... I could see, I could get may information, many stories about the places, the cultures, the peoples, their live style, etc ... Even I couldn't go there but it seems like I am there... Thanks Stu.... Keep sail .....
11th July 2011

Great pics, thanks :) I was there in 2007 and yes, those 5 minute handshakes can be a bit disconcerting at first!
From Blog: Bird of Paradise
7th April 2011

Very Informative
What a beautiful blog very informative. It's a shame schools skim this part of history as it is hundreds of years that are overlooked.
From Blog: The Golden Stool
25th February 2011
Kumasi City Centre

clean city
the pictures are very nice in fact am proud to be ashanti
From Blog: The Golden Stool
23rd February 2011
House of the Rising Sun in New Orleans

\"House of the Rising Sun:
I thought the "House .. ..." was a Women's Prison.
25th January 2011
Cape Coast

Dir. Of Diversity Affairs
Wonderful pictures. I went back home five years ago to documentary on slave trade. As a result, I went to Cape coast, Elimina and other places to take to support my subject. Unfortunately, I have misplace my work. As a result, seeing your pictures certainly brings back memories including Kakum. I am grateful that you posting or shared these grate pictures because I am preparing another presentation and I can definitely use wonderful picture such as yours. Thanks Rex Osae
From Blog: The Golden Stool
2nd January 2011

Too Touristy
I found El Calafate too touristy for my liking although I'm glad I went for the glaciers. I'm returning there in February but it's more or less a base for making onward travel arrangements in Patagonia and also a break from exploring. Thanks for the comment on my Winter Wonderland at Home Blog. Happy Travels! Regards Dawn
2nd January 2011

Loved Torres del Paine
Took a day trip out there from El Calafate and had a wonderful time. One day, I would love to return and do the W Trek around the Park.
29th December 2010

S/Sgt Harold J. Munnings R.E.M.E.
Great blog entry Stuart, I enjoyed it. I was in Somaliland earlier this year and loved every bit of it. @David Munnings, I don't know if you still visit this blog, but I'm going back to Somaliland next year. Is your brother burried in the War Cemetary of Hargeisa? I could send you some pictures, but I don't have your emailaddress. You can contact me on Stacey
From Blog: My second home
28th December 2010

Hi Stuart
I really enjoyed your photos of the funeral and the islands off the coast. You haven't posted a blog in a while. I miss your postings.
From Blog: The Bloody Knife
23rd December 2010
House of the Rising Sun in New Orleans

The Women's prison story sounds more likely
Some people believe the "house of the Rising Sun" was slang for the New Orleans women's prison which has been said to have had a rising sun above the entrance. The earlier versions of the song were sung by women from their perspective. Check out Joan Baez's version.
21st September 2010
Kayan Longhouse, near Belaga, Sarawak.

wow...this is one of the longhouse in my hometown which is belaga...thanks for the picture..can i know when Sir Stuart come and visit to belaga?
From Blog: The Bats
17th September 2010

Makassar/Ujung Pandang
Hi Jason, I think it's OK to use either name. During his final days as President BJ Habibie changed the official name back to Makassar but in reality both names are used. You're right about the official Funeral season but some funerals take place all year round, so whatever time you visit there's a chance of seeing one.
From Blog: The Bloody Knife
17th September 2010

I must be old; back when I was there it was still called Ujung Pandang! I love Sulawesi, Love Torajaland and LOVE INDONESIA! Will be back next year...hopefully more blogs to come your end Stewart! By the way I have a quick question. Your blog is dated 13th strict are they on this "funeral season" period. I think I was there in December and saw one, but have subsequently read June, July, August is the "official" season?
From Blog: The Bloody Knife
14th August 2010

Lee Wainwright House of the Rising Sun If you want further information on this contact Eric Burdon himself. He's been there. According to his book it's down Magazine Street in the French Quarter. (Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Eric Burdon) It's a good read.
21st June 2010
The Hilton of Wadi Halfa (Nile Hotel)

En Route to Nairobi
Slept here in 1957 German beer at six shillings a bottle. See
From Blog: The War Train
20th June 2010

It's what you want it to be!
I can't answer your questions. There are several properties in New Orleans with a claim to being 'The House of the Rising Sun'. Some of them have been burned down over the years. The [url=] BBC website[/url] says this about the brothel: " So, does any of this prove there was an actual brothel named The House of the Rising Sun in New Orleans? According to Pamela D Arceneaux, a well-respected research librarian who works at the Williams Research Center in New Orleans and helps maintain the Historic New Orleans Collection, er... no. She is quoted in numerous articles as saying on the subject: I have made a study of the history of prostitution in New Orleans and have often confronted the perennial question, 'Where is the House of the Rising Sun?' without finding a satisfactory answer. Although it is generally assumed that the singer is referring to a brothel, there is actually nothing in the lyrics that indicate that the 'house' is a brothel. Many knowledgeable persons have conjectured that a better case can be made for either a gambling hall or a prison; however, to paraphrase Freud: sometimes lyrics are just lyrics. Yes, maybe. Maybe, lyrics are just lyrics."
19th June 2010
House of the Rising Sun in New Orleans

Background Information
It is obvious from the gables on this structure why it is called House of the Rising Sun. Is this currently a private residence or a commercial enterprise? Is it the house referred to in the song and was it actually a brothel at one time? There are other comments found on the web that say that the building was actually located on Bourbon Street but they do not give a specific location. For some reason this question popped into my head and I just had to find out. Thanks,
22nd May 2010
Shakespeare's Grave, Holy Trinity Church, Stratford on Avon

Best British Bard
Will beat them all. I have been to see him, knelt and laid flowers. You do not get it better than that from a Scottish Presbyterian. I am one of his 'good friends'. Alasdair Macinnes.
19th February 2010

hi stuart
Sorry to hear about your hearing problem. What a bummer. I can imagine you going through those islands in the visayas --- cebu, bohol, siquijor, boracay, iloilo ---- and not getting into water? Bad timing. Hope you are better now. Was wondering about you. Been off TB for quite a while now. I've been working in a campaign team doing.......guess what. Political blogs, among others. :)) I should be busy till May, our Presidential elections. So, consider me on leave from TB. But I do sneak in every once in a while. Happy to read your blog and view our pictures!! Safe travels.
10th February 2010

Hargeisa just after the war
Great blog! Well done. I was in Hargeisa in 1993 when the place was still in ruins, but the people were so friendly and helpful that I really enjoyed my trip. I also went to Berbera and Erigaavo and made a short report for Channel Four News. I can't understand why the international community can't recognise the Republic; it's one of the (few) success stories in Africa.
From Blog: My second home
24th December 2009

Alaska/Cananda trip
I am planning a trip form Chicago to Anchorage (I think). Maybe two weeks by train and ferry. I loved your story about the train except the 2 mile walk. Maybe in June, there will be a bus. What is the absolute "musts" to see? Is it worth going to Denali? Thanks. JT
30th November 2009

The train that never came
What a great story! Came across it purely by chance, but I have always wanted to see Mauretania. In the photo, your friend Mama seems very seriuous. It occurs to me that, in his head, he is praying and praying and praying "Allah! Thankyou for your mercy in allowing me the chance to meet these foreigners - but Allah! Please tell me what I have to do to make my family richer as a result" I don't want to be cynical - I'm just trying to be realistic and, of course, there is nothing to be criticised, and nothing in the least insincere, about the hospitality that he and his family showed you - no, no, no - I don't mean that at all, God forbid - it was just that rather soulful look on Mama's face that made me wonder what he might be thinking inside!
17th August 2009

Eclipse Memories
Great photo of the full solar eclipse! I remember experiencing a total eclipse in Melbourne, Australia in October 1976 and it still is one of the strongest memories from my childhood - an amazing experience.
1st June 2009

Cultural significance of The Mission
Having lived some years during the mid-80's in Paraguay. I would have liked to see you note the cultural impact of the musical instruments and other products manufactured by the amazing Guarani Indians. The beauty and power of this people is too little appreciated. Paraguay has vast numbers of wonderful special people. I am glad to see the youth there still smiling.
From Blog: The Mission

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