Claire Wade


Claire Wade

I started these blogs as a record for myself- something to read and comfort me when I'm old, cold and broke, wondering where all my money went...

With time, my blogs have developed as it turned out other people were reading them! This has inspired me to improve my writing (well I try) and add more photos. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and please do leave comments.

The photos in the blog are taken on my phone, but when I return home, I always have lots of images from my DSLR, that I upload to Flickr:

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Kraków February 6th 2024

We left in the morning, the rain had finally stopped during the night and today looked like a good day for more sightseeing! Typical. I’ve enjoyed my time in Krakow and would certainly be happy to visit Poland again. I would like to explore further, see less touristy areas and the countryside plus whatever wildlife they have. Preferably in the summer. The almost non-stop rain got a bit much, especially as they should have been having snow! I’ve felt safe here and not seen any people living on the streets , however I am aware that we were probably in one of the more wealthier areas, kept nice for tourists. All the guides and service staff have been lovely, although museum staff can be a bit scary! So yes, I’d come again. M... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Auschwitz February 5th 2024

We got up at 5.30 am, because this is a Wade holiday. And because we were being picked up a 15 minute walk away at 6.50am. The day started how it planned to stay: dark and wet. A guy in a minibus met us on a random bit of pavement outside someone’s apartment. There were 8 tourists, all British except one lady from north Sweden. And so began the 70 minute journey to Auschwitz. The lovely architecture of Old Town quickly gave way to flat-sided, grey and dull apartment blocks, the traffic seemed less pedestrian friendly. Once through the slippage of the city, we drove through leafless winter trees along a highway that appeared to be in better condition than most British roads, probably because it was a toll road. Then the trees gave way to ... read more

Europe » Poland » Lesser Poland » Kraków February 4th 2024

Our short trip to Krakow started in Yorkshire and until very recently I was completely unaware that there’s an airport at Leeds/Bradford, but there is and I think it might be bigger than Liverpool airport. The best part of it is that everyone up here calls you ‘lovey’, which makes being scanned by a lady in security very intimate. ‘Just lift your leg, lovey’, ‘turn around and raise your arms, lovey’, ‘bend over lovey’. Ok, the last line didn’t happen, but it wasn’t far off. The two hour flight last night landed in a wet and dark Krakow, it felt like being home. The customs guy was all smiles, which isn’t that common for customs guys. The airport loos were clean and arty, a good loo at the airport is often a good indicator of what’s ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala September 16th 2023

I booked a walking tour through Tripadvisor yesterday, with a female guide, Faridausi and Glyn booked an Uber to meet her in town. She was almost 20 minutes late, but it seems in Uganda, that’s standard and not worth an apology. The first stop was a statue of Edward Mutesa, the first president of Uganda, (after independence from the UK in 1962). He was also the King and pushed out of power by Milton Obote and sent into exile, aided by Idi Amin. And then Obote was ousted by Idi Amin, who made himself popular by returning the body of Mutesa, so he could be buried in Uganda. Nearby stood a statue celebrating Uganda’s independence, a public place with a few homeless scattered around. A very old sign displayed photographs from 1962. A big hole had ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala September 13th 2023

Breakfast at Forest Cottages was a buffet and I was accompanied by the hotel cat with one of her kittens. Both were given some of my omelette and nothing was left. The other three kittens were cuddled up nearby in a plant pot. Zedius was due to arrive at 7.30 am but due to Kampala traffic being solid, he arrived at 8.10. The traffic was practically gridlocked, a hot hell that took some time to traverse. Our destination was Mabamba Swamp, on the edge of Lake Victoria for a boat trip and it took around 2 hours to get there. Being only a few miles south of the equator, it was roasting. It’s weird to think that only the day before yesterday in the mountains, I needed to wear the hoodie I’d bought at the first ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala September 12th 2023

Today we left Lake Bunyoni for the 440 km trip back to Kampala including a stop at the equator. It was sad to leave all the lovely people of Lake Bunyoni View, but we did leave them a good tip. At a nearby petrol station, Didan said his farewells too and we thanked him a lot for the awesome time we had. And so started our long journey, through towns, past farms with women and children toiling in the fields. By quarries where mostly women were bent over doing what appeared to be back-breaking work. We left our last dirt road and returned to tarmac, where they have far fewer potholes than the UK. Zedius calls it an African massage when we drive over the bumpy dirt roads, but in all honesty, I’ve not found them ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi September 11th 2023

Today was a boat trip on Lake Bunyoni, the second deepest lake in Africa. A local guide, Johnson came to our accommodation and walked us down to an open, wooden boat with a motor and another guy doing the driving. It was market day, so many people had arrived by boat to buy food and clothes. Some come from Rwanda to sell clothes and shoes and buy food. We were stared at a lot and even more self conscious, as we were the only people on boats made to wear life jackets. Johnson, a guy in his 40s that looked older, pointed out the most expensive places to stay on the lake: Birdnest which is owned by a Belgian and costs $200 per night and Bunyoni Safari Resort which was huge and out of keeping with ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region September 10th 2023

oday was gorilla day, the original reason we’d come to Uganda, although we have found many more reasons since we arrived. I didn’t know what to expect, but I didn’t expect to get so close to gorillas that I could smell their farts, or be surrounded by a tribe of Batwas, or finally meet a female Ugandan driver. The latter being the most unlikely. It is one of the best days of my life, though not as good as my wedding day (hi Glyn!). When we’d arrived in Uganda , Didan had said he could try and arrange a private gorilla trek. I wasn’t going to get my hopes up, as gorilla trekking already is an amazing and privileged experience, but to do it without other tourists would be quite mind blowing. Last night, Zedius told ... read more
Zedius, Glyn, Didan and Charity
Head gorilla.

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Mgahinga National Forest September 9th 2023

When you can hear raindrops on your roof, you know it is raining. When all those drops become one big wall of sound, you know it is insanely torrential, especially when it wakes you up at 4am. I didn’t get much sleep after that which is ok, because we were getting up at 5am anyway. Also, Glyn started writing today’s blog last night. How is that even possible without a Time Machine? And then in the jeep this morning, before anyone (that’s a typo, I meant to say ‘anything’ but ‘anyone’ probably is correct) had happened, his fingers were on fire on his iPad, getting irate about something or nothing. After an adequate breakfast, we left Ikaze Cottages to go to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park for Golden Monkey Trekking. It’s one of the smaller parks in ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region September 8th 2023

We left Irungu Forest Safari lodges at around 7am. They’ll be getting a good review from me as it’s a nice place and the main guy was very attentive. Amazingly (considering all the people in and out of that place) he always remembered our names and welcomed us back personally from our excursions. It was a wonderful location, had cats and fancy birds, plus a nightly herd of waterbuck. What more could you want? Our first destination today was the Ishasha section of Queen Elizabeth National Park, however the safari started long before that. This is because although large areas of land are accessible only with a permit, it doesn’t mean that the animals don’t wander further, as there’s lots of land between each section of the park. So it’s one big safari everywhere. The other ... read more

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