Nathan Koffel


Nathan Koffel

My name is Nathan. N-A-T-H-A-N. I am from Ohio. I have lived in the midwestern United States my entire life. I used to live in Zhongshan China. Now I'm living in California.

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island » Wan Chai June 23rd 2011

Hey Everybody! My name is Nate. N-A-T-E. I had been writing about my experiences living abroad in Mainland China for about a year and half. The last time I wrote was nearly a year ago. It's time to finally bring closure and start another chapter in my life. I was so naive and eager to explore 2 years ago when I first arrived in China. I can't believe the time has passed so quickly. Paltry words fail to express the ways in which China has changed my life. So I could never bring myself to write the final passage of my Chinese blog. How to describe what I didn't know how to articulate. And could this be the end? finished? Certainly NOT. This story, and the story of my life, is just beginning. Since my last ... read more
lijiang at night
Front of Hotel
goat and a girl

Asia July 11th 2010

Good Morning Class, Believe it or not this “trip” has been 99% work. I’m a teacher, at least for another 3 more classes. I’ve been teaching for over a year now and I’ve learned a lot. I’d like to think I wasn’t a bad teacher, at least this can be said, the kids loved my classes. Although I think I’ve left most of my TA’s with clumps of hair missing from a slight lack of declipine in some of my classes (at least by Chinese standards), there is a method to the maddness and my students score well and we all have a jolly good time. There have been many highlights and a few lowlights, some of them you need to know. The Lowlights *Starting my very first class of adults, after having planned an elaborate ... read more
class outside

Asia » China » Hainan » Sanya June 10th 2010

Добрый день товарищ, I've been doing nothing since we last talked. Life has felt genuinely dull as of late. I've been stuck in the country without a passport and fantasizing of going anywhere outside of Zhongshan. The last month I've practiced the art of cooking (burning) Chinese delicacies. I succeeded in being banned from cooking for Carmen, so mission accomplished I'd say. I have also buffed up on my spoken Chinese. Pumping up on new phrases and idioms I'm looking native fit. My tongue is now a rippling bulge of Chinese muscle spitting out the common word with dazzlingly accuracy. Foreigner and local alike fawn over my prowess. Even my Cantonese is starting to make progress, it's taken 2 weeks short of a year, but I can actually mutter a few words. Although truthfully to me ... read more
Yalong Bay

Asia » China » Guangdong » Zhongshan May 4th 2010

Good Morning Web Wanderer, I lost my passport. An American losing their passport in America is a very stressful event. An American losing their passport thousands of miles from home in the middle of communist China is near unthinkable… well, was unthinkable. Those who know me sadly may not be surprised I lost the only thing I couldn’t afford to lose. Gone was my most valuable item, my most important document, my ticket home, and gatekeeper of all my exploring. As a foreigner in China you need your passport all the time. Going the bank, staying in a hotel, picking up the mail, and most importantly leaving the country. I have since replaced my passport at the American Consulate in Guangzhou. Under the “endorsements” of my new passport it says “see page 51”. On page 51 ... read more
the beach

Asia April 14th 2010

Hello Void, How long have I been here? About 10 months. In 10 months I have done many new things I never imagined I would do. For all those things and more I am deeply thankful. I have grown immensely and my life has forever changed in previously unimaginable ways. However in 10 months living in China I have not been able to do many things I always took for granted..... It’s been ten months and I can’t seem to remember Anything that happened past last december Walking in the park Or Driving my car Even watching youtube and playing guitar My last buffalo wing Or eating Burger King These are just memories stuck in my head Only in my sleep can I eat real white bread English on my tv Or thoughts of what this ... read more
Spotted Cow
Josie Wannabe

Asia April 10th 2010

Hey there, Time seems to be stuck on the light-speed setting for me. I know the next few months are going to disappear in a blur and soon I’ll be back in America. Already I know coming back will be more mentally discombobulating than coming here, but I’ll know for certain soon enough. I’m trying to remind myself how much I wanted to write a blog, because I know in the future I’ll want to look back and enjoy these memories again. I do really do enjoy writing but I don’t like writing on the fly, or forcing myself. I like sitting down somewhere comfortable with hours of time and no pressure to finish quickly (never happens). I don’t like half writing a blog either, I just want to get it all out. A snapshot of ... read more

Asia » China March 22nd 2010

Welcome to Jungle part deux, Let me catch you up. My parents came to China. Together we were the modern Indian Jones searching for lost treasure. As previously mentioned Mom and Dad discovered many long held Chinese secrets of the North. Ancient mysteries now having been solved in Being and Xian we headed south. The cities we left in our wake were Guilin, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, and Hong Kong. Saddly we had to say goodbye to the safety of our Chinese guides. After Guilin we were in uncharted territory. Places that exist on no western map, like Guangzhou, a small exotic village of 13 million. The fate of our journey was left in my hands. Surely my parents must have had their doubts. The most terrifying aspect of this meant I was responsible for the provisions. They ... read more
hong kong skyline
Dragon Fruit

Asia » China » Beijing March 18th 2010

Greetings Netizens, I have a story to finish. I saw my parents in Beijing. What a weird and fun experience that was. Mom and Dad thank you for coming to China. I had an amazing time. I thought it was so cool for me to be able to share my experiences here with you. Xie Xie! I landed in Beijing and quickly met up with my crying mother (what a surprise). We took this vacation during the middle of Chinese spring festival. Spring festival (Chinese New Year) is the biggest and most important Chinese holiday. New Years Night is equivalent to Christmas Day in importance except Santa brings fireworks. Fireworks literally shook our hotel windows the entire first night we were in Beijing. People outside in the streets were setting of fireworks EVERYWHERE. There was not ... read more
Muslim food

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 26th 2010

Salutations Big Blue World, I’m still here, living the day by day in China. I pretended the Internet didn’t exist for awhile, but I guess its not totally banned yet. Yesterday I woke up and it was January 10th and I was twiddling my thumbs dreaming about the beaches in Thailand. This morning I woke up in Zhongshan wondering were it all went. Nearly 5,000 miles of planes, trains, automobiles, motorcycles, boats, and buses later I’m ready for a new vacation. The first part of the trip I went to Thailand with my girlfriend Carmen. The second half I spent city hopping with me ma and pa. I’ll tell the rest of the story in later blogs, its simply too much to digest. Plus I have to sort through 1600 pictures. I have 150 Thai Baht ... read more

Asia December 29th 2009

Zao Shang Hao 中国, Six months China. I have been with you for over six months now. Has this been as good to you as it’s been for me? I’ve really enjoyed my time, I think we have looked good together. Half way through and you continue to etch permanent marks on my mind. And in some infinitesimal way I’d like to think I’ve effected you too, leaving tiny positive ripples of energy in my wake. I went to a restaurant I used to frequent everyday years ago (4 months ago). Years past I was living in a dingy apartment in a different part of the city. The restaurant was good and cheap with large laminated picture menus on the walls that looked they were printed in the 80s. Located outside the old apartment and requiring ... read more
The lobby
nu pengyo

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