

Like Afghanistan, Pakistan gets a lot of bad press these days, sadly so, and like Afghanistan you also need to be aware that there is a reason for this. That said, Pakistan is not Afghanistan. It is not a country at war, even if it might look like that if you watch the news.

Parts of the country are certainly a no-go zone for foreigners (and to be honest for Pakistanis too). Do not venture into the tribal areas!

But there is plenty to see without risking being kidnapped or killed. For starters there is Lahore, with its fort, bazaars and its incredible museum. And if you are dying to hike the Himalayas without the tourists, go up the Karakoram highway, there are plenty of opportunities along the way. Visit Multan with its beautiful shrines, or find out about Pakistan’s Hindu, Buddhist and even Greek past in Taxila. Yes, the Greeks even made it out here! Go back further into history and gape at the ruins of Mohenjo-daro, a city of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. Maybe you will be the one to solve the puzzle of their, as of yet, un-deciphered alphabet! And, if security allows, visit colourful Peshawar.

Once part of the British Empire, English is widely spoken in Pakistan, though Urdu is the official language. Other similarities to the Brits is their fondness of cricket, tea, bureaucracy and polo. The British also left them with an extensive rail network.

Pakistan is a strict and devout Islamic country, which means you should dress conservatively and you should keep in mind that alcohol is prohibited.

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