Blogs from Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile, South America - page 4


South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa August 5th 2012

Geo: -27.1308, -109.342Today i took the mountain bike and drove along the southern coast of the island before i headed north to explore Puna Pau, the quarry where they made the Pukao's or head knots for the Moai statues. After a beautiful sunset sitting by those giants the evening got even better with great news about the successful landing of Mars rover "Curiosity". What a day! :)Heute nahm ich mir ein Mountainbike und fuhr die Suedkueste entlang bevor es in Richtung Norden zum Steinbruch von Puna Pau ging, wo man die Pukao's oder Huete fuer die Moai's anfertigte. Nach einem Bilderbuch-Sonnenuntergang bei den Statuen von Tahai war der Abend dann perfekt, als die Neuigkeit eintraf, dass der Rover "Curiosity" erfolgreich auf dem Mars gelandet sei. Was fuer ein Tag! :)... read more
Puna Pau, Quarry for the Moai's head knots
Landing of Mars rover "Curiosity"
And...we're back on Mars :)

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa April 17th 2012

I knew very little about the Easter Island except that a bunch of Europeans anchored their ship and pitched their tents there on Easter day a couple of centuries ago. I was aware of the statues that littered the island, but I think that was the extent of my knowledge. So, visiting this place with the goal of expanding my knowledge was enticing enough. Months ago I reserved my ticket (I was even able to fly business class cheaply on my way over there!). I settled into my obnoxious electrical seat that could adjust to accomodate my body up to a centimeter. Served with wine and delectable dishes, I wondered what this new world would hold. Or I could act crazy and hopefully be allowed to make the return trip to the mainland yet again in ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa January 7th 2012

A wee photo montage of Jill's journey through Chile and Argentina. She is always the best travel companion; packs light, never complains and is always the ice breaker at parties!... read more
Magellan Straight
Grey Glacier
French Valley

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa January 3rd 2012

Last day. It's almost over. Except for the painful part of flying for 2 days. Leaving Easter Island January 3rd, arriving home late January 4th (in theory) YYC.DFW.MIA.SCL.PLC.FTE.EZE.SCL.IPC.SCL.MIA.ORD.YYC 11 flights! We allowed a sleep in again (amazing we were getting used to this laziness so quickly), partially because we didn't want to go home, and partially because neither of us wanted to pack. Michele had 4 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of olive oil and a jar of jam. I had 2+2+jam plus now tee-shirts, gifts and other odds n sods to stuff in my bag. What was I thinking buying presents? Seriously? I love you all, but.......... To give you an idea of just how much stuff I had acquired, when we finished our trek, my pack was just over 13kg (after I ate ... read more
The Towers
Emiliana Vineyard
Isla de Pasqua

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa January 2nd 2012

Easter Island. Hanga Roa. Rapa Nui. Isla de Pascua. Call it what you will, but I do like "Belly Button of the Earth". It's appropriate and you do get that feeling when you are so, so isolated from anything. Today was our last full day on the Island, we had plans to go to the beach, do some shopping, relax, enjoy and just chill. It had been 17 days of a full adventure on our vacation, and the thought of doing mostly nothing sounded appealing, and Easter Island felt like the perfect place to do so. To get to Anakena beach, you can hire a taxi to take you round trip and you just schedule a pick up time, cost is about $25US. We had our taxi pick us up around 10 and had plans to ... read more
Isla de Pasqua
Isla de Pasqua

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa January 1st 2012

Today was a sleep in day; and that surprisingly we did! After a lazy breakfast where the hotel had left each of us an individual plate of chocolate and cookies for New Years, we decided to go for a hike to the window caves I had read about. As I mentioned, getting lost on Easter Island is virtually impossible, however it is still a bit unnerving not knowing where you are going exactly; other than 'north'. Freida had offered to bring me a map, but we were not seeing him until the afternoon and we both wanted to do the caves that morning, so off we went, 'that way'. It was a quiet morning, sun shining and of course no shade (remember, no trees.....) so we were both heating up, even with my 55 block and ... read more
Horse Ranches
Isla de Pasqua
Isla de Pasqua

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa December 31st 2011

Happy New Years Everyone! Today was not only New Years Eve, but also our full day tour of the Island with Freida. He picked us up at 09:30 and we quickly discovered that pretty much all the tour companies do the same tour at the same time. For such a small island there sure seemed to be a lot of tourists! (who us? never!) But with our vehicle only having the 3 of us we were quickly in and out of sites (when we wanted to be) and generally managed to stay away from the crowds (which in a big city would have seemed small). We visited all the main sights on the island, including Vaihu where the statues fell face forward; Akahanga where the Moai are well preserved and this is where the first king ... read more
Akahanga Ruins
Isla de Pasqua
Easter Island

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa December 30th 2011

Today was the first morning we had to set an alarm as our flights were at 09:30. Michele and I both are early risers, and there was NO way I would miss my flight to Easter Island! wootwoot! Vladimir picked us up for the last time and he and Mauricio drove us to the airport. Chile has not decided if a flight to Easter Island is Domestic or International (go figure) so Vlad came inside with us as checking in for these flights is a challenge. The self check in kiosks didn't work with our tickets, but the agents kept sending us away, so thankfully Vlad helped us out. He was told we would go through international, meaning my bottle of wine (grin) in my carry on could not be brought through security, but we got ... read more
Easter Island
Easter Island
Easter Island

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa November 15th 2011

Day 8 - Morning came to another fine chorus of chickens a doole-dooing. Disappointingly our cunning plan to eat as much chicken for breakfast, dinner and tea had not turned out to be as cunning a plan as one of Baldrick's. This was our last morning and Russ had remembered reading something about getting your passport stamped at the post office. So in a quick bid to do a last minute shop and to see if there was any substance behind Russ's claim we packed up our bags before heading off into town. We located the post office and proffered our passports at the girl behind the counter. She showed us a picture of four different stamps, explaining that the plainest of the four was free, and that if we wanted any of the others, it ... read more
Last view of the island from the airplane

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa November 13th 2011

Day 7 - Easter Island by bike The day dawned brightly, and it was clearly going to be another hot one. We were surprised we were not more stiff after yesterday's exursions. Armed with our ham and cheese from the fridge, and plenty of sun cream, we gingerly got back on the bikes. We stopped at the mini market for bread and water, and made our way across town to the Museum. We had heard that it housed one of the only examples of a female Moai, so didn't want to miss the opportunity to see it. The museum had a full english translation of all the exhibits and panels of information, and there was quite a lot to see in a small space. As we made our way out towards the coast and Tahai again, ... read more
Russ at Hanga Kote
Hanga Kote
Banana Plants cover the entrance to Ana Te Pahu cave

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