Blogs from Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile, South America - page 3


South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa April 1st 2013

1/4/13 Riding a scooter on the unscooterable roads! We rode out to the Orongo crater this morning, it was one of the roads classed as gravel and so not suitable for scooters but they hadn’t met Howard yet! The road actually wasn’t too bad as long as it wasn’t wet and you are careful. The first section was hard packed dirt ridges with potholes and the last section gravel. Up at the crater rim was Orongo, the ceremonial Birdman village, we handed over our passes and were signed in. There were lots of stone houses, which were low, with tiny doorways (protection from the elements) which people had to crawl in through and they all faced out to the ocean and the islet of Moto Nui off the coast. The terraces outside the houses were used ... read more
Easter Island (139)
Easter Island (141)
Easter Island (157)

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa March 29th 2013

29/3/13 From Montevideo, Urugay to Santiago, Chile So we landed at Santiago and took the airport bus into the city, from the stop the bus finished at we then took two tube trains to get to the Belles Artes area which we were staying in for the night. When we got to the apartment complex the security guards on the gate who didn’t speak any English made us register then eventually handed us an envelope in which was a note and a tiny saying they had moved us to a different hotel. We were not impressed and the security guards looked bemused as we picked up our bags and left. The Carlton Hotel they moved us too was a couple of streets away and had definitely seen better days, the room was ok but really noisy, ... read more
Easter Island (11)
Easter Island (12)
Easter Island (15)

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa January 23rd 2013

La Tapati, fiesta tradicional Rapanui que se celebra en Febrero, es el evento más importante del año. Cada año, se postulan de dos a tres candidatas a reina. Ellas necesariamente deben estar apoyadas por sus familias ya que el costo de la organización y logística de el equipo de competidores, artistas, atletas y bailarines que apoyan a su reina es bastante alto, y las familias corren con este gasto. La familia de la candidata debe apoyar todo evento que involucre a los competidores, tales como entrenamientos, subvencionar materiales y hasta limpiar el lugar. Esto porque los competidores darán puntos para que la reina gane. En el caso del baile, cada candidata tiene su grupo de baile donde se mezcla gente local y turistas. Todos estamos invitados a bailar. Sólo hay que inscribirse e ir a los ... read more
Rano Raraku
pelando la totora

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa January 21st 2013

Siempre he sido “la catete de la hora”… mis amigas más cercanas pueden dar fé de ello. Si vamos a la nieve, jodo para que todos estén listos a las 7:15 para no toparse un taco (y realmente JODO!!). El que no está listo a esa hora tiene dos opciones: o lo dejo en la casa o lo espero, muy enojada, y se lleva un reto las 45 curvas. Cada vez que me tocó ir a dejar a alguien al aeropuerto lo apuré una y otra vez para estar a la hora y con tiempo de holgura para cualquier eventualidad. Entonces, por qué el día del viaje que he esperado por más de dos meses, me traspapelo en la hora, me relajo y me ducho tranquila, salgo con la hora justa, a la hora del taco ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa December 6th 2012

Okay, getting to Isla de Pascua was a bit more challenging then we had expected. After getting upgraded to Business (good!) we were told 2 hrs into the flight that we unfortunately had to return to Santiago due to a technical defect (not so good!). But fortunately we could embark on to a new airplane soon, and our delay was limited to about 5 hours. When we got off the plane, we felt like we were arriving on the most perfect tropical island.. Nice sunny weather, a huge runway with only our plane, and already a view on the first Moai statues. Ahh.. Although it was already 6 PM, we learned we still had another 3 hours before sunset, so we quickly changed into our shorts and went on a walk through the mellow town of ... read more
Ouch my nose.  I fell down again...
The Big 15 moai at sunrise
Visiting inland Moai on one of our hikes

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa November 7th 2012

Rapa Nui or Easter Island as it is better known is the world's most remote inhabited island, shrouded in mystery due to the legendary Moai statues and possibly the place the Easter Bunny calls home. So for these reasons, we decided that leaving Santiago and flying five and a half hours in the direction of home seems worth the effort despite the return flight to Chile and then the flight home. The airlines really need to think about this one.... The flight gave us the opportunity to catch up on our blogging, get our trillions of photos into some kind of order, watch the remaining movie on the Lan inflight entertainment and sample some more excellent Chilean wine. Touch down came fast as the airstrip is literally on the edge of the island and we were ... read more

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa August 9th 2012

Geo: -27.1308, -109.342Six unforgettable days! A dream come true. Since i was a kid reading about the voyages of La Perouse and James Cook i wanted to see the island with my own eyes. The incredible isolation due to the distances to other inhabited places also ads to its fascination. (To Pitcairn Island: 1,289 mi • To Chile: 2,180 mi • To Tahiti: 2,562 mi) And of course the unique style of the monumental Moai statues and the mystery of what really happened here. Now it's time to say Auf Wiedersehen. Taking the afternoon flight to meet a good friend in Santiago :) Sechs unvergessliche Tage! Einen Traum erfuellt :) Seit ich als Kind ueber die Entdeckungsfahrten von La Perouse und James Cook gelesen hatte, wollte ich die Insel mit eigenen Augen sehen. Die Abgeschiedenheit, aufgrund ... read more
Santiago, here i come :)

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa August 8th 2012

Geo: -27.1308, -109.342Since the weather forecast predicted favorable skies i decided to start celebrating early by driving to Ahu Tangariki, the best spot for watching the sunrise. Unfortunately the weathermen are just as unreliable here than anywhere else in the world... But I was lucky enough to have had an excellent guide, Annai who showed me all the secret spots of Rapa Nui and the unique beach called Anakena. Probably the only beach in the world with an archaeological site as a scenic background, the Ahu Nau Nau. This is also suppose to be the spot where King Mata Mata landed and founded the settlement in ancient times. In the afternoon i went to see Ahu Akivi which is the one place on Rapa Nui where the Moai's facing the sea rather then inland. After visiting ... read more
The colorful crater of Rano Raraku
Mocking Moai's
The Magnetic Rock - Drawing people even from Chile

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa August 7th 2012

Geo: -27.1308, -109.342Today i rented a car for the remaining two days. At US$ 60/Day for an old beat-up Suzuki "Jimmy" (or how i call him "Junky"), it almost seemed like the islanders' payback for the cruel treatment they suffered during their colonial past. But then i saw the new mansion of the rental company's owner and it all made sense... ;) Anyway, me and Roberto from Chile were exploring the countless Moai sights along the southern coast, the famous Rano Raraku (NP Tickets Chilean: US$20 and Foreigners: US$60...) and the massive Ahu Tongariki. By the way, the fact that visitors get ripped off almost every time they pull out their wallets does somehow not take away any of the fascination for Rapa Nui ;)Heute mietete ich ein Auto fuer die restlichen zwei Tage. Bei 60US$/Tag ... read more
The fallen Moai's of Akahanga
I think i found one of my ancestors ;)
"Junky", my Suzuki Jimmy ;)

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa August 6th 2012

Geo: -27.1308, -109.342The rain today is "forcing" me to learn a little more about Rapa Nui's history and culture. So i went to visit the Museum of Anthropology, founded by German Missionary Sebastian Englert in the 1930's. In the afternoon i had some interesting chats with fellow travelers from the UK, Russia, Spain and Chile and we decided to watch Kevin Costner's "Rapa Nui" in the local movie theater. By the way, i would like to thank National Geographic Magazine for publishing a fascinating article on Easter Island in their latest issue. Nice birthday gift, NatGeo! ;) The fact that all three offer slightly different views on what happened at Rapa Nui reflects the ongoing controversy among scientists. Who's right...?Der Regen "zwang" mich, heute ein bischen mehr ueber Rapa Nui's Kultur und Geschichte zu lernen. Somit ... read more
NatGeo Magazine July/August 2012
The first color photo of Mars Rover "Curiosity" ;)
"Curiosity" starts her search for life today... ;)

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