Blogs from Hanga Roa, Easter Island, Chile, South America - page 9


South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa June 17th 2008

What can I say? It was worth blowing the budget for - am so glad that Luna, Rob and Pran persuaded me to go with them. It was much warmer than Santiago and more humid - great to be somewhere I could wear a t-shirt and shorts again. Hadn´t really been prepared for the cold in Chile or Bolivia - I don´t think I registered that it is early winter here so not that warm - oh well!! The island is beautiful. Very chilled out and relaxing - just what we needed. The scenery really reminded me of rural Ireland - the lush green fields, stone walls and just hearing the waves crashing on the shore - so peaceful. Quite a large percentage of the locals get around on horse back and there are loads of ... read more
Me and the heads
A moai
and more

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa June 15th 2008

Our first flight for a while and it was surprisingly comfortable, brand new Lan Chile plane with individual TV screens and self-select videos - big deal!! I got straight into the films and watched "No Country for Old Men" and some comedy with Steve Carrell. Nige spent the first hour or so watching "2 and 1/2 men" re-runs, an error he lately paid dearly for. After i had watched and been completely traumatised by "No Country for Old Men" i urged Nige to watch it too... unfortunately they switched off the video system 20 minutes from the end leaving Nige "in limbo" as it were and forcing me to have to button it about what happens.... in addition the landing was extremely bumpy, double whammy! In this way we arrived on Easter Island and were greeted ... read more
15 moais went to market
snooty moai
headache moai

South America » Chile » Easter Island » Hanga Roa May 26th 2008

Ola! Some serious recapping to do here, you will be pleased to note. Firstly, I forgot to mention how Orla and I met. I was just returning from my walk along Lake Tekapo, when I bumped into Jill chatting to this girl outside. AS I sat down, she says "Ola!" I looked at her a bit puzzled, wondering why she'd said that and thought immediately that Jill must have told her that I was going to S America. So I put up my hand in a salute and said "Ola!" back. She looked at me like I was completely weird and then said, "no my NAME IS ORLA!!!" Well I did laugh, but was genuinely surprised that no-one else had ever mistaken her introduction as a Spanish greeting. We then got drunk and consolidated our new ... read more
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