Blogs from Iguaçu Falls, Paraná, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls July 7th 2023

(Day 372 on the road) Iguazu. Big Water. What a fitting name for this fantastical natural wonder. Like the Atacama Desert in Chile, I had visited Iguazu Falls over 20 years ago. I do have faint memories and thus kind of knew what to expect. Yet it still blew me away. The falls are located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, and - like most visitors - I visited them on both sides of the border. They are both distinctively different, and I liked both sides a lot. I had entered Brazil on foot from Paraguay across the friendship bridge, and settled into a small private apartment in the town of Foz do Iguazu, about an hour drive north of the actual waterfalls. Leaving Spanish speaking countries behind after a year now felt strange, and ... read more
Iguazu Falls
South American coatis crossing the bridge
Parrot at Parque das Aves

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls January 17th 2023

So we thought we’d mix it up today and see some waterfalls. Not content with what Argentina had to offer from a slushy perspective, we ventured into Brazil (strangely without any contact with immigration however). Given yesterday’s heat and the pleasure it brought for all, we decided on the boat ride for today. A trip through the jungle on an electric train to learn about some of the plants, followed by a hot walk through more jungle before we arrived at the boat landing. The number of people changing into their swimmers and leaving their shoes behind could maybe have provided some indication of what was to come, but the girls placed all their confidence in the two-dollar shop ponchos to protect them from the raging waters of Iguassu Falls. It was misguided. Apparently cheap plastic ... read more
Here we go…
Enjoying some scenery before liquid Armageddon
On approach

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls May 16th 2021

Iguazu Falls Declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1984, Iguazu Falls is often quoted as the world’s most spectacular waterfall. Situated on the border of the Brazil & Argentina the Falls spans 1.7 miles in width, and features 275 individual waterfalls, with heights ranging from 196-270ft. The name ‘Iguazu’ is loosely translated from the indigenous Guarani language as “big water”. The falls form part of both the Iguacu National Park (Argentina) and the Iguazu National Park (Brazil), which have both been declared World Heritage sites. Approximately, 80% of the falls are located in Argentina and 20% in Brazil. Today on our virtual tour we were in Brazil. Our guide was very knowledgable and it was interesting to hear her stories. There is a legend to explain the falls: God wanted to marry Naipí, an ... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls January 15th 2019

Iguaçú Falls are on the border between Brazil and Argentina. Today we are visiting the Brazilian side and the Parque Nacional do Iguaçú. Once I have transformed the bathroom into a Chinese laundry, we take a bus to the Park. Brazilian buses only have a few seats; for the majority it is a standing experience. Signs instruct you to give up your seat for elderly passengers, so when someone taps the old man on the back and offers him their seat, I laugh. A lot. Then I return my focus to trying to remain upright on a rickety old bus hurtling along rickety old roads. It’s quite a workout, requiring balance and core strength. And there’s no air conditioning so by the end of the 40 minute journey we’ve worked up quite a sweat. We bought ... read more
Iguacu Falls
Iguacu Falls
Iguacu Falls

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls October 24th 2018

Up early today at 05:15 to finish packing, have breakfast and be ready for 06:25 pick-up for Rio Airport. We ended up with a lot of time to kill as we got through the check-in very quickly but as we were waiting we heard very familiar accents sitting behind us, so I started up a conversation with Graham and Karen from Perth(ex-Sydney residents) who still have family in Sydney. They also do a lot of traveling and put us onto a company they use called We exchanged travel stories and it certainly made the time go quickly. The plane left on time and we arrived as scheduled. We were met by our guide Reggie and his driver and we went straight to Iguazu Falls. These are definitely the most magnificent falls we have ever seen ... read more

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls May 16th 2017

Suzanne here... Getting into Foz do Iguacu from the airport was easy. Local bus 120 stops outside departures (make sure to get one going to Downtown not the national park). It's not the first stop so can be busy. David had to stand but I was lucky enough to grab a seat. It was R$3.45 each and the journey into town takes about 40 minutes. Less than ten minutes from town a huge storm hit us. The rain and wind was incredible, with trees and branches crashing into the road. The bus had to take a detour to avoid a huge branch. We waited it out at the bus station for a few minutes before making a dash for the hotel, luckily only a few minutes away. Hotel Bogari was pretty nice. It's actually a bit ... read more
Iguassu Falls - Brazil (Coatimundis)
Iguassu Falls - Brazil
Iguassu Falls - Brazil

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls July 17th 2016

We arrived this morning in Puerto Iguazu after 19 hours of bus travel, and after showering, changing and organising our day bags decided to heat to the Brazilian side of the Iguazu falls. There are numerous ways to get there, you can choose to go by your car, tourist bus, or a local bus. We purchased tickets with the Rio Uruguay company which were 80Arg pesos return each, less than $10- Australian. Beware have pesos, you can't pay for a lot of things with a credit card. So a quick lunch of a savoury flan of half and half spinach and pumpkin, a coffee and we were off on the 12-30pm bus. This takes about 30 minutes to get to the falls main area, you go through a customs area, you all get off and on ... read more
Youth hostel gardens
This is the tropics
Lunch savoury flan, common food

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls June 29th 2016

On June 27 we flew from Rio to Iguazu, approximately a two hour flight. We were puzzled as to why our seat assignments kept changing, from booking to check-in to gate. The when we got on the plane, we were told to just sit anywhere but not in the first ten rows! It turned out that the cockpit door lock was broken, so for security reasons they didn't want anyone within ten rows of it, and therefore about 50 people had been bumped off the flight! Good thing we were traveling with a group or it could have been us. Upon reaching Iguazu we drove straight to the waterfalls rather than our hotel, because this was our only chance to see the Brazillian side of the falls, and the park closed at five. We saw some ... read more
Love the greenery!
Capuchin waiting for an unwary tourist

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls March 23rd 2016

Gina and Arlete wanted us ready to go early this morning to cross back to the Argentinian side of the falls. I woke up feeling a bit like death warmed up and had to get myself showered and breakfasted and ready for a very full day of sightseeing by 7.00am. Ugh! At least this morning's gourmet breakfast buffet was a vast and very welcome improvement on the fare that was on offer for the last two days in BA! A decent breakfast - and a cup of coffee - certainly helped to improve my mood. As always our very punctual group was ready to go at 7.00am. Julio drove us to the Brazilian border check point and Arlete went in to have all our passports stamped. Then we drove to the Argentinean border check point and ... read more
Devil's Throat
Devil's Throat
Iguazu Rainbow

South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls March 22nd 2016

When we left home a month ago we had been to see Icehouse and Alex Lloyd the night before and I couldn't get the chorus from Alex Lloyd's song 'Amazing' out of my heard. I think the phenomenon is known as an ear worm? Anyhow, after last night's performance I have a new ear worm, I just don't seem to be able to get 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' out of my head!! Annoying ear worm aside, this morning we took a short flight from BA to the airport on the Argentinian side of the Iguazu Falls which is spelt variously: Iguazu, Iguasu, Iguassu or Iguaçu Falls. That's probably the Argentinian, Brazilian, English and Paraguayan spellings?! Humph, it was a short flight, but our 11.15am flight was delayed until after noon. Just what we needed, more ... read more
Iguazu Falls

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