Iguazu Falls

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South America » Brazil » Paraná » Iguaçu Falls
May 16th 2021
Published: May 17th 2021
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Iguazu Falls

Declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1984, Iguazu Falls is often quoted as the world’s most spectacular waterfall. Situated on the border of the Brazil & Argentina the Falls spans 1.7 miles in width, and features 275 individual waterfalls, with heights ranging from 196-270ft.

The name ‘Iguazu’ is loosely translated from the indigenous Guarani language as “big water”.

The falls form part of both the Iguacu National Park (Argentina) and the Iguazu National Park (Brazil), which have both been declared World Heritage sites. Approximately, 80% of the falls are located in Argentina and 20% in Brazil.

Today on our virtual tour we were in Brazil.

Our guide was very knowledgable and it was interesting to hear her stories.

There is a legend to explain the falls: God wanted to marry Naipí, an Aborigine girl against her wish. She escaped on a canoe with her human lover, Tarobá. Upon realizing this, he got angry and separated the River Iguazu by creating deep falls so that the two will be condemned to an eternal fall.

The mixture of mist and sun creates the perfect
amount of light to generate a beautiful rainbows, we managed just a small glimpse of one today.

The falls resemble an elongated horseshoe that extends for 1.7 miles nearly three times wider than Niagara Falls and significantly greater than the width of Victoria Falls.

I don’t suppose I will ever visit the Falls so today’s heygo virtual trip is the closest I will get to visiting and I didn’t even get wet !


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