Blogs from Brooklyn, New York, New York, United States, North America


North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn July 29th 2023

La journée d'hier a été relaxe. Puisque ma tv ne fonctionnait pas, ils m'ont changé de chambre, car 13 jours sans tv, c'est non. J'aime écouter les nouvelles locales. J'ai d'ailleurs écouté l'émission NY Live, et ils faisaient un topo sur le nouveau Vegan Market, qui a lieu les mardis au Central Park! Aussi, une mauvaise nouvelle: un jeune de 15 ans s'est noyé à midi et demi à la plage où j'étais samedi soir. C'est un kid du coin, et le débat ici, c'est que la chaise du sauveteur était vide! Il y a des endroits où le manque d'employés est fatal. Cette noyade aurait pu être évitée, c'est frustrant. La plage est publique et accessible 24h, ça devient dur de couvrir ce long territoire. Ils regardent à bloquer des accès à certaines portions. Donc ... read more
NY Liberty WNBA
Liberty basket
Dans le coin!

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn July 22nd 2023

Le samedi, il y a plein de monde partout et on fait du shopping. Donc moi, je prends des billets pour les shows à 14h 😁. Aujourd'hui: New York, New York! Avant le spectacle, j'ai cherché un coin tranquille, loins des brunchs. J'ai trouvé un petit "diner" vide. Très sympa, et la dame et le monsieur ne parlaient que l'espagnol, évidemment! J'ai demandé au gars 2 oeufs. Il a répété 8 fois : "No meat?!?!???!" J'ai répondu non toutes les fois. J'ai eu 2 toasts au pain de blé, avec 2 oeufs cuits sur la plaque style omelette, avec du fromage orange cheddard. Mais sous la forme d'un sandwich! C'était bon, surprenant, et très chaud. Et pas cher, car avec un bon café, 7$. Hey ben. Après le show de Broadway, je voulais revenir doucement vers ... read more
Manège à Coney Island
Vendeur de barbe-à-papa sur la plage
Voici pourquoi je me perds.

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn May 30th 2023

Washington D.C. is such an interesting city as there is so much to see and do. Naturally we saw the White House, the Washington monument, the Lincoln memorial. The US Capital, the very moving Arlington Cemetery and several of the Smithsonian museums. Being Memorial Day we watched their huge parade with many, many high schools from all around the US marching with their brass bands, drummers and flag twirling girls and guys. Pity it rained but it didn't deter the thousands lining the streets as Americans are very patriotic with everyone waving their flags. We had a wonderful time staying at a friend of a friend,'s home and it was so nice to relax and not have to constantly eat out for every meal. We are now near the end of 4 days in New York ... read more
Washington monument
Statue of Liberty
Lincoln memorial

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn April 7th 2023

Was our last full day in New York City the best of the lot? The day was definitely Top 5 but it was the night that had Friday the 7th April in contention for Best Day of the Trip! Friday was starting with a handicap as we had to move hotels and packing suitcases and dragging them half a dozen blocks is hardly on anyone’s NYC bucket list. But, we tacked on an extra day in NYC after we’d book the Sonesta – for reasons that will become obvious later. First things first! The lateness of the booking left us with slim pickings and we Jules went for convenience and booked the Hyatt Grand Central. More than double the size of the Sonesta and with a flashier lobby, but the rooms and beds are smaller and ... read more
230407 Bagel Express
230407 Borough Hall
230407 Brooklyn 99

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn July 28th 2022

Aujourd’hui j’ai traversé le fameux pont Brooklyn. Sur le pont, il y a des vendeurs de souvenirs, les calottes sont les moins chères que j’ai vues à date: 4$! Premier musée de mon voyage. Celui du réseau de transport de la ville. C'est vraiment un musée d'histoire très riche. Il y a beaucoup de photos d'archives depuis les débuts de la construction des rails (des années 1800, mais surtout 1903-4). Le musée fait 2 étages, et est situé dans une ancienne station de métro. L'étage inférieur est rempli de wagons des trains qui ont roulés sur les rails sous-terrain de la ville au fil du temps, depuis 1916 environ. Et ils sont accessibles: on peut circuler et s'assoir dedans. Ou comme les enfants: courir excités. J'ai pris la peine de bien regarder les publicités au-dessus des ... read more
vue du pont Manhattan
train des années 1950-1960

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn February 4th 2020

Today we were out for 11 consecutive hours. That is the longest day out we’ve had this whole trip without coming home for a little stop! Which to be honest is a little embarrassing but let’s move past that. The original plan was to spend the whole day over in Brooklyn, because we were watching the Nets vs Suns game at night, however Adam pointed out to me that whilst Brooklyn is cool, he didn’t think we’d find enough to do to take up the whole day. But before I get to that, breakfast. We went to a Fresh & Co (or something along those lines) for our first meal of the day, and it was kind of like a subway but also had prepackaged sandwiches and salads if you didn’t want to create your own. ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn October 4th 2019

The day starts at 3:30 AM. Elinor doesn't think that we need to get up that early, but somehow she's not aware of how long it takes her to get ready in the morning. Any morning. She's just ready in time for the taxi (now called Riide which has in identical signup screen to Uber, but its still the local taxi companies). Oh yes, and Elinor had insisted on making a fruit salad to take with us and eat at the airport before going through security. That means that we're rushing to eat it (and not finish it) before getting in the long line for security. Turns out the long line moves along quickly, and we do have a few minutes to sit before they start boarding. Not rushed, but not sitting waiting, either. And quite ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 20th 2019

Zoe and I woke up at 9 o’clock. We went downstairs and later found out that mum had taken dad on a birthday breakfast date. We just played games until they came back. We gave dad his presents and he loved them. We made a booking for lunch at 1:45 in Soho so we had time to relax. At 12:45 we walked to subway into Manhattan and met Nadine (Simons lovely wife?) we had a delicious lunch and sang happy birthday to dad. We were there for like 2 and a half hours. Then we split up. Mum and I went straight to the subway while Caroline, Mike, dad, Zoe and Franciska went to the baseball (Yankees won who were versing Los Angelas Angels) Me and mum did a bit of shopping (got nothing) and went ... read more
Happy Birthday dad!
Dean and Nads
Front of restaurant

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 19th 2019

Day 12 New York/Brooklyn It’s Wednesday morning and as per usual I snuck down to the “milk bar” on the corner of 6th and union in Brooklyn for my small latte with an extra shot. A Small in the USA is the same as a large back home! We caught the subway to grand central and then walked to the UN building on first st street near the east river. We joined a guided tour and sat in the general assembly and saw the security council and other chambers . There was a telling poster that showed annual military expenditure at 1.8 trillion dollars, where as expenditure on development is only 30 billion a year! All the world’s leaders and Greta Thunberg will be talking in the general Assembly next week! We then headed off to ... read more
A lifelong dream to visit this place
Mike and Caroline
Ferry to Liberty Island

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn September 16th 2019

Day 9 - Brooklyn Bridge Today everyone woke up at 8:30, but I woke up at 9:45 which I personally thought was early compared to my 11 o’clock start yesterday. We got ready and left our apartment at 12 noon. We stopped at the outside the Police station where they filmed Brooklyn 99. We then did a long walk to DUMBO market which was nice I guess. After that we walked to a food market called Time Out which was delicious, me and Zoe got fried chicken karage. Mum reminded us there was dessert place which she had heard of before. Dō. It was actually delicious. (Thanks Mina) After that we walked to Brooklyn bridge which wasn’t very interesting. We walked to the Subway and I finally swiped my metro card on one go! We got ... read more

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