New York, New York!

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North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn
May 30th 2023
Published: June 3rd 2023
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Washington D.C. is such an interesting city as there is so much to see and do. Naturally we saw the White House, the Washington monument, the Lincoln memorial. The US Capital, the very moving Arlington Cemetery and several of the Smithsonian museums. Being Memorial Day we watched their huge parade with many, many high schools from all around the US marching with their brass bands, drummers and flag twirling girls and guys. Pity it rained but it didn't deter the thousands lining the streets as Americans are very patriotic with everyone waving their flags.
We had a wonderful time staying at a friend of a friend,'s home and it was so nice to relax and not have to constantly eat out for every meal.
We are now near the end of 4 days in New York and again have had a brilliant time experiencing Time Square, the Statue of Liberty, the 911 memorial and the New York subway network. There are so, so many people here and I certainly could not live here permanently! Today we walked around Central Park which is huge and it was really hot weather. We had to try out an American hotdog from a street vendor which was really tasty. We then had happy hour drinks at an Irish bar and hopped on a night tour of the city which was great as it took us over the Manhattan bridge givings us great views of the skyline plus Brooklyn bridge. Just seen the musical Chicago on Broadway and wow it was brilliant! We fly to Toronto, Canada tomorrow so will be bidding farewell very soon to the good old USA until next time.

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4th June 2023

Happy holidays
Great to hear you are back travelling, we know how much you both enjoy it. New York sounds amazing. Enjoy Canada look forward to hearing about it
6th June 2023

Thanks Dawn and Howard We hope to visit our 3 kids in WA at Christmas and are thinking of flying into Sydney and driving to Melbourne and then catching a plane to Perth. If all goes well we will try and call in on the way!😊
5th June 2023

Still going strong!
Hi Suzanne and Pete. Glad to see its all going well for you. Everything looks and sounds amazing and you must have so much energy between you! Hope you enjoy Canada and look forward to seeing you soon. xx

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