Blogs from Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, North America


North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke July 25th 2023

Wall art en masse When you are viewing this blog entry we can strongly recommend that you click on the photos to enlarge them. The pictures come out a lot better when they are enlarged than they do when viewed in the size they appear in the blog. On our way back to Montreal we stopped for a few hours in the city Sherbrooke. We went there to see Trompe-l'œil art because we had heard that they have plenty of such artworks throughout the city. I let Wikipedia explain what Trompe-l'œil art is: "Trompe-l'œil is an artistic term for the highly realistic optical illusion of three-dimensional space and objects on a two-dimensional surface. Trompe l'œil, which is most often associated with painting, tricks the viewer into perceiving painted objects or spaces as real. Forced perspective is ... read more
Trompe-l'œil art
Is it possible to walk into the painting?
Illusion of a dusty road leading into the painting.

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke September 19th 2016

Geo: 45.4034, -71.9047Our travels today took us firstly to Stowe Vermont and Smugglers Notch. In my younger days I skied at Stowe (very occasionally). As a teenager three of us actually climbed through Smugglers Notch. It was probably in October and when we reached the top it was snowing. Thankfully there was a crew doing maintenance on a transmission tower there and they drove us down the road which is now a 4 x 4 toll road.Just before the border is a town called Newport. It is located on Lake Memphramagog and is in cottage country. Unfortunately it seems the town has seen better days and attempts are being made to rejuvenate the downtown.Once over the border we did a quick stop in Lennoxville at Bishops University where I spent a single academic year. Much has ... read more
Smugglers Notch
Smugglers Notch

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke November 1st 2013

Récit d'un voyageur. Commencont par le commencement, mon pere fait actuellement un voyage autour du monde et il m'a inviter a le suivre dans ses folles aventures pour un mois, et ce, a l'endroit de mon choix. Ceux qui me connaissent le savent déjà, je suis un très grand fan de la série de film The Lord of The Rings et cette serie de film a ete tournee presque exclusivement sur place en Nouvelle-Zelande. Ce qui fait que lorsque j'ai recu cette offre de mon pere, j'ai sauter sur l'occasion et j'ai dit sans hesitation: Nouvelle-Zelande! L'autre point qui m'a vendu a cette idee est la combine que mon pere a choisi de faire pour le voyage: notre voyage (du 3 novembre au 22) se fera dans un camper, ou quelquechose du genre westfalia, ce qui ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke November 1st 2013

Dans mon dernier message j'ai expliquer un peu a quoi mon voyage va ressembler, cette fois-ci, je vais vous expliquer et vous montrer un peu l'equipement que j'amene avec moi en Nouvelle-Zelande. Par mis les achats que jai fais, je crois que celui qui va faire le plus d'impact est mon nouveau sac a dos, il s'agit d'un Gregory 30L ultra compressible, avec un trampoline pour le dos et une armature, il s'agit d'un sac vraiment plein de design intelligent et considèrent mes récents problèmes de dos, je ne crois pas que ça sera du luxe. Suite aux recommandation d'un commis du Atmosphère, je n'ai apporter que mon softshell de North Face et un coupe vent. Sinon j'ai un grand dufflebag dans lequel je range tout ce quine m'est pas essentiel a la vie de tout ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke November 1st 2013

Bonjour! Avant de me lancer en détail sur le voyage comme tel, je vais aussi en profiter pour vous raconter les dernières journées avant mon départ. Depuis quelques semaines déjà que je suis dans les préparatifs de voyage, mais fidèle à mon habitude, ces préparatifs étaient surtout mentaux et pas vraiment concret, ce qui fait que j'ai fait le gros de mes préparatif la veille de mon départ.Mais, puisque ça fait si longtemps que j'y pense, ça m'a permis de faire tout mon bagage en moins de 3 heures, ce qui est pas si mal je trouve. Aussi la veille de mon départ c'était d'Halloween, ce qui veut dire Parry d'Halloween et, toujours fidèle a mon habitude, après avoir fini de ramasser mes trucs pour le voyage (à l'heure du matin) ma douce et moi sommes ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke August 15th 2012

We stayed at a campground in the small village of Compton. Compton is the birthplace of Louis St. Laurent a former PrimeMinister. How ever the campground was huge over 300 sites and one the loveliest area's to stay and explore in. From the covered bridges (which are not in use anymore) to the prosperous small farms, with the rolling hills and lots of trees, everything we saw was very nice. We had been a little nervous coming into Quebec, having had more than 1 word of warning that we would find the french people rude. Well, we need not have worried the people of Quebec are charming, helpfull and most speak english, which was very accomodating since our high school french is very rusty. We explored the produce farms where we could by right from the ... read more
Covered Bridge

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke June 20th 2011

On part à nouveau cette été à la découverte de l'Europe. Encore une fois, on aura un itinéraire très chargé. On atterira à Copenhague, Danemark pour y passer quelques jours, on se dirigera ensuite vers le Nord de l'Allemagne à Hambourg et à Cologne, où nous visiterons notre amie Maria. Par la suite, direction = Bavière avec les Alpes, les châteaux et bien sur une visite de Munich. On change ensuite de pays pour se diriger vers nos cousins, cette fois-ci, nous visiterons principalement le Nord en passant par l'Alsace et la Lorraine pour finir en Pas-de-Calais. On traversera ensuite la Manche pour retrouver Sylvie quelques jours à Londres qui est nouvellement installé à Manchester en Grande-Bretagne pour ses études. Ensuite, nous revenons au Québec probablement brûlés mais surtout remplis de magnifiques souvenirs après 3 semaines ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke May 26th 2011

So here we are. I'm writing this for selfish reasons (so i can remember what we did this summer) just as much as I am for anyone interested in reading it (you) hopefully I don't sound to self-righteous by sending you this link. Wow..These 6 days have been crazy. Here we go: On Saturday I threw literally twice as many things in the Tercel than I anticipate I'll need for the summer. Left for Halifax and got there somewhere around 8. Justin and his family were celebrating at the Old Triangle since 3pm sooo definitely had to go directly there. If you don;t have a gps GET ONE. I would have been cooked if I had to find it without one. After some drinks and a fun night in Hali we slept for like 3-4 hours ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke September 16th 2010

Bonjour everyone, Forgot to tell you - last night in Quebec we went to a Thai-cambodian-vietnamese restaurant - which was outstanding - Lou was really sick with flu and the waitress gave her some saki to make her feel a bit better and she also asked if we wanted cold water or hot water - thel asked for cold and lou asked for hot - thinking it would just be room temperature - it was so hot she couldnèt lift up the glass - boiling hot - just needed a little tea bag and she could have made a cuppa!! Quebec city was a piece of cake for french and english - i guess cause they have so many tourists - but out here in the wild - O.M.G. hardly anyone speaks english - which as ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Sherbrooke June 13th 2010

Hey folks, Its an amazing feeling to be so close from something you dreamed about for many years. It's an event better feeling to finaly start using the money we work so hard this year to get. Leaving for mtl early in a couple hours... stay tune, this is just a warm up! Nick and Chloé... read more

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