Thelma & Louise Ride Again

Mooey and Manda

Thelma & Louise Ride Again

Thought we better update the profile as we go in 5 days so we should know where we are going now. After nearly a four year absence we have reunited to go on another trip but more importantly to our bemused readers THE BLOG IS BACK.
We will be in the skies on 1st September and will be back in good old Grafton late 1st October. To a few people they will be relieved that we are not doing as much driving, but there is a slight downside to that - the week that we are driving is in Quebec so all the road signs are in french, but we will overcome. Thel has found a list of french road signs so she will be instructing Lou what the hell they mean. Thel just has to find the right sign, find the translation and tell Lou all in a millisecond so we don't pressure!!
We feel confident this time that we are not having a practise pack, we are just going to pack a few things on Tuesday night. Don't we sound like seasoned travellers? I'm sure if we forget something there will be a Walgrens equivalent in Canada we just have to find their name. Did we tell you we LOVE Walgrens?
Anyway, hope you all enjoy our blog this time around, remember it isn't one sided, we love it when you all leave comments, it keeps us in touch with home because we do miss you all. Bon voyage!!!!

North America » United States » New York September 29th 2010

Hi everyone, There are a few pages you may have missed - so read through headings - we don't know why some of them haven't gone on but check it out Love thel and Lou xxx... read more

North America » United States » New York September 29th 2010

This is the last entry kids of our month long adventure..... It is 10.30pm in New York City and here is how our day was today.. Raining today again but we have two umbrellas so who cares??? So off we went down town and thought we would have a look around near Central Park for somewhere nice to have breakfast !! Bingo - found a nice place - The New York Plaza Hotel - we know fancy pancy last of the big spenders etc etc - but man was it cool - did we mention that at our next table was Barbie's husband (James Browland??? we think thats his name) Barbara Striesand that is .... so the place could have been full of famous people - but we don't know any.... breakfast was a treat and ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 28th 2010

Hi y'all - not sure if you have read the past "two day" entry but here we are again - had another big sleep in this morning and although we have been blessed with weather but today the rain came - not heavy but here - what do you do in New York when it rains ????Hmm hardly anything to choose from - boring place that it is !! MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S MACEY"S ... A whole block for one store - amazing - so we make sure that we get our extra Aussie discount (10%) voucher .. and you need to know that it really is all about us - bags of bloody stuff just for Thel and Lou - fabulous darlings fabulous... one and half floors of shoe ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 27th 2010

Hello everyone - sorry for break in communication - but we had no computer the cafe was down and they are getting few and far between now - you can have free wi-fi but we don't have a computer!! So much has happened since our last blog entry - so here we go.... "wicked" is WICKED - it is absolutely fantastically spectacular and the story is great - it is actually very funny and the singing was superb but boy the costumes - they were just something especially from front row seats - the Emerald City scenes the costumes were to die for - Lou wants some of the green boots with curly toes etc... Wakefields you must see this show !! The show was Firday night so Saturday morning .... Off we go on the ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 24th 2010

Hello again - man this place is amazing.... Last night whilst walking to try our luck at Wicked lottery tickets again - we saw all of this camera equipment set up again and we thought ??? So went to check it out and it was filiming for a new tom selleck series Blue Bloods - we didn't see Tom - but guess what happened - walking accross through the cars just near the filmcrew and these two guys pull up and hang out the window and say - "hey - you all movie stars???" needless to say we collapsed on the ground laughing as did they as they drove away - some people are really good fun and so many have been helpful and friendly but these two guys broke us up !! so, we didn't ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 23rd 2010

Hiya all, how ya doin? first day out and Thel had booked a food tour in Soho!! Dropped laundry off before it walked there on its own - need some clean clothes beofre the predicted 90 degrees tomorrow - we will be in our undies.... and believe us - not a soul would notice us - not here !! Anything goes and some are just so crazy - ugly crazy and all are fantastic entertainment.... have met quiet a few aussies which is always good value and grounds us again.. before we talk about today we need to tell you that it stormed here last night so the night was cut short because of rain - but we took the opportunity to go inside toys r us - what a shop - there is a ferris ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 22nd 2010

You need to read the Au revior from canada before this one....... Howdy from New York !!! so much has happened and we have only been here about 4 hours!! Left Looney Lilly this morning and tried to add the previous blog entry (you all have two to read today) and we had to cut and paste it because the travelblog was down yesterday and almost left all the stuff on her computer about Looney Lil!!! That would have been embarrasing ! Arrived at airport - sorry to leave Ottowa even as we were driving to the airport couldn't believe how pretty it is and how awesome the canal would be covered in ice in winter - may have to go back to see that one day... Little miss continental (airport check in person) was sooooooooooooooooo ... read more

North America » United States » New York September 22nd 2010

Last day in Canada !!! Ottowa is another super gorgeous place - yesterdy was another blue sky day (we have been so lucky ) walked and walked yesterday even walked up about 400 steps - poor thel was knackered by the top - her back is stuffed..... First up we went to Parliament house and had a guided tour for 45 mins which was good - outside there were lots of reporters and if anyone was watching them - they would think that Lou was being interviewed - she asked them who was coming !! The opposition leader - too boring to wait for so off we went on our long walk - visited one of 5 museums and then needed feeding - so found some lunch and more squirrel feeding Lou wants one for a ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa September 20th 2010

Hi everyone, Thank you for the messages - we LOVE hearing from you all.. Some photos for you to check out at last!! will write some more in a couple of days but Ottowa so far is MAGNIFICENT - it really is a beautiful city - we took the car back yesterday and Lou narrowly avoided getting arrested - drove the whole trip through the city on the yellow bus route - shit !!! But there was no traffic ha ha ha Arrived at B & B and place is fab and only two blocks from the city centre - but.......... Lillian is a looney - completely bonkers - we have no words to describe it we just look at each other and try not to laugh - more on that after two more nights there ... read more
Parliament House Quebec
our friend
Lou understanding art

North America » Canada » Ontario » Hawkesbury September 18th 2010

Being on the road is a great change to the tourist thing and we have been seeing some amazing views on each bend - we were in high skiing country for a while and the chalets etc were fairly impressive - as lou hasn't ever seen snow it is a bit hard to get your head around. Thel continues to navigate brilliantly although having some trouble with her left and right turns - because you have to take a wide right sort of turn to go left she keeps telling lou to go right - oh shit !! Went on a real adventure yesterday - went off the track and ended up finding this ferry from Hudson accross river and just decided to take it - was a magic blue sky day and the sun was ... read more

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