Blogs from Dalyan, Aegean, Turkey, Middle East


Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan July 4th 2022

The end of three relaxing and summery days in Dalyan. Well, they were relaxing for all but one of us - I’m so amused by Beeb’s interpretation of her forced bathroom incarceration that I can’t let it pass. She got stuck in a bathroom at a restaurant…it was very traumatic, pliers were involved in the rescue, there were tears etc etc, but every time she brings it up (which is a LOT, even more than the vomiting on the plane), she refers to it as the bathroom pubicle and I fall about the place laughing. Mother of the year. Other than the pubicle incident, our time here has been amazing. A river full of turtles, a balcony roof with two swallows’ nests full of baby birds just coming out of their nests and sun, sun and ... read more
Swimming selfie
Straight to insta
Floating around

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan July 1st 2022

Google maps has been invaluable at helping us find our way between destinations and also providing some ‘enrichment’ in the routes chosen. Today's adventure started off well with another delicious breakfast in the courtyard, but things went somewhat downhill from there. First descent was when child #1 noticed in an absolute panic that she had left her favourite toy in the bed at the hotel, precisely 3 seconds after we had entered the freeway system. Tried to navigate our way out of it, only to head 20 mins in the exact wrong direction with no exit in sight. Finally made it back to the hotel to collect the attempted escapee. Exactly one hour behind schedule and we headed to Pamukkale for some restorative soaking. It was a long trip, mostly on freeway (where we experienced an ... read more
Beeb delighted by breakfast offerings
Worth it in the end!

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan May 12th 2014

Note: if you double click on any of the pictures you will be transferred to the picture gallery where they will be displayed at half page size Saturday 10th: market day in Dalyan but despite the poor weather we headed into town to check it out. All very vibrant and colourful with lots of foodstuffs, especially fresh vegetables which were much nicer than those available in the local supermarkets. Also lots of fake designer clothes, and “Cheap as chips!” was the irresistible sales pitch we heard more than once. In the afternoon we headed off across the river in order to get some exercise by walking towards the Kaunos ruins. This time we were ferried across by Denis, a lady from the Dalyan Women’s Co-operative who much more cheerful than Mina the Miserable who had ferried ... read more
Dalyan Market
Dalyan market
Dalyan market spice stall

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan July 18th 2013

The last thing I wanted to do was get on that damn bus again....the thought of leaving at 6am (4am bodyclock time) to sit on a bus all day again was not exactly inspiring, but with the thought of seeing 300 BC tombs in a hillside were enough to pry my head of the pillow and do it all over again. I had resolved that I was not getting of the bus and transferring around the place again ( I would, if it came to it, become one of those oh so annoying group travellers where you would have to drag me kicking a screaming off the bus just to prove a point) however, I was pleasantly surprised when we were not on the list to transfer! (much to Vaughn's relief as he knows me too ... read more
Loggerhead statue in the town centre
Dalyan Township behind the Mud Pools
Mud pools! Do we look beautiful?

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan August 10th 2012

Today we didn’t get a sleep in but it was ok cos we were all looking forward to heading to Dalyan to the mud baths and turtle beach. Breakie again was average! Had our egg on bread and were ready to go! We got on the bus and first of all had 30mins to wander in Fethiye. It wasn’t enough really cos there were some good shops and we didn’t get much of a chance to look around but ben did buy some jean shorts so he was stoked about that! And the owner of the shop said that in a year if the isn’t happy with them he can come back and change them all the way from Edinburgh! Haha! We got to Dalyan about an hour and a half later which was pretty good. ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan May 4th 2012

The climb to the top of the hill had been tricky but the view from the top was spectacular. The path - little more than a goat track that wound its way up the rocky hillside - was precipitous in places and crossed back and forth over the remains of a fortified wall clinging to the hillside. Lounging gratefully among the pungent foliage of Artemisia and Helichrysum on the summit (the latter plant smelling of curry), we took stock of our surroundings. A faint breeze blew across the summit plateau taking the edge off the hot spring sunshine that blazed down out of a clear blue sky. On one side of the hill, there were views out over the Dalyan Cayi - a reed filled marshland threaded with a maze of waterways - all the way ... read more
Lycian Tombs - Dalyan
Life Among the Ruins
All Life's a Stage

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan July 18th 2010

TOM’S JOTTINGS - A Turkish Experience June 2002 Arriving at the old Dalaman airport was as confusing as trying to find an apostrophe on a Russian keyboard because it was 3.30 in the morning, there were the shouts from the tour operators and taxi drivers trying to find their clients as well as a plethora of name boards and hotel hoardings. After dodging the smoking throngs of those who have been unable to smoke for four and half hours you are channelled into the area for selecting your destination and hotel. Paying the ten pounds visa fee seemed a cheap way to get into fresh air of beachside Dalaman. So how was it that I had found myself amongst a crowd of sun seeking, beer swilling British holidaymakers in a country I had never visited or ... read more
Iztuzu beach
Iztuzu beach
Iztuzu beach from above

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan April 13th 2008

April 11, 2008 Dalyan, Tlos, Turkey Today we went to Dalyan and enjoyed a very nice riverboat ride from the town to the coast with a stop at the ancient city of Caunos. This is another very interesting site and at one time was home to many thousands of people. The city site is now several kilometers up the old river’s path from the coast but in its’ time it was an important port city before the river silted in. The riverboat took us to the coast and one of the most popular beaches in this part of Turkey. This is a huge sandy beach and a favorite destination for many Turks and foreign visitors in the summertime. This time of year it is just getting opened up and there was almost no one there except ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan July 8th 2007

It took around 2 hours by boat to go to Dalyan and it was a very hot journey with the sun right on top of us! Once there we changed to smaller boats and made our way to the Mud Baths and it was fun digging to get the proper mud rather then the watery mud which seemed to go. We stood in the sun to get dried up and it was quite a site! It took a bit long because the layer we had on was quite thick. Washing it off was a task in itself because the shower were so strong it was hard to stay under them. Then we tried the spring water which stunk of rotten eggs! It nice and warm but we didn't stay long in the water and then ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan November 7th 2005

Well, this travelling gets addictive! We'd only been home a few weeks from Bali when we both found ourselves with a weeks holiday from work. Couldn't stand the thought of England's grey skies so booked a flight to Turkey. We ended up in Marmaris, it was fairly quiet as it was the end of the season. The weather was a pleasant 25 degrees by day, a bit cool in the evening. We did plenty of running around on the dolmus buses, visiting Icmeler and Turunc. Both were lovely small towns backed by high mountains. On our last day we visited the famous rock tombs of Dalyan and also the supposed healing mud baths close by. This turned out to be quite a fun affair, although I have to admit that I declined from completly submerge myself ... read more
View from our hotel
A Crazy Boat Trip
A Crazy Boat Trip

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