The world according to google maps

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Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan
July 1st 2022
Published: July 3rd 2022
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Google maps has been invaluable at helping us find our way between destinations and also providing some ‘enrichment’ in the routes chosen. Today's adventure started off well with another delicious breakfast in the courtyard, but things went somewhat downhill from there.

First descent was when child #1 noticed in an absolute panic that she had left her favourite toy in the bed at the hotel, precisely 3 seconds after we had entered the freeway system. Tried to navigate our way out of it, only to head 20 mins in the exact wrong direction with no exit in sight. Finally made it back to the hotel to collect the attempted escapee.

Exactly one hour behind schedule and we headed to Pamukkale for some restorative soaking. It was a long trip, mostly on freeway (where we experienced an uneasy sense of déjà vu) but also through lots of non-descript towns. Finally made it there after quickly stopping to grab some lunch at one random town. Unfortunately so had everyone else - there was very little water flowing over the terraces and very many people trying to get young, so it was a bit chaotic. I am, however, pleased to report the cankle-reduction properties of the water. They don’t put that on the bottle!!

Our next google maps fail was when we attempted to visit the Cleopatra pool for a swim (in the hopes the water would work the same wonder on my whole body as it had done on my cankles). Google was convinced it was a 7 min drive…hoards of tourists and the establishment was convinced it was a 10 minute walk…from where we had just exited. So we gave up and continued on our journey south to Dalyan.

Google takes the approach that shortest = best. This has led to some interesting encounters along the way with goats, cows, chickens, mountain passes with on-coming trucks and many many random Turkish villages far from the tourist trail. As I said, enriching. But we were very glad to reach our final destination with minimal hassle - a lovely little cottage by the river outside Dalyan. Now for a few days R&R!

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