Blogs from Snowdon, Gwynedd, Wales, United Kingdom, Europe


Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon August 31st 2023

31st August 2023 Llanberis Pass We set off in the opposite direction to yesterday heading for Llanberis. langollen. Didn’t intend to but went by way of Betys-Y-Coed as the Sat Nav decided that was the way to go. Fortunate really as Sat Nav took us down a road, to save ¼ mile, which we absolutely do not want to take tomorrow with the caravan behind. We should have followed the A5 but took one of Wale’s goat track aka roads instead. The caravan would not have fitted over the bridge at the end before we got onto the A5. Straight through Betys which was full of tourists, some looking a bit miserable as the Welsh drizzle was the wet sort. Then we took a turn to Llanberis as we were nearing some quite dramatic and scenic ... read more
230831 Bala (13)
230831 Bala (16)
230831 Bala (37)

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon June 27th 2022

I looked out the window around sunrise to see if it would be worth going out for some photography - it wasn't as it was still raining. We went back to the hotel for breakfast - another opportunity missed when they asked for our room numbers. We went to breakfast early (rather than five minutes before it closes, which is our usual routine), which was a really good move. Portmeirion does not open to day visitors until 9.30am and we had the whole place completely to ourselves, so it was a great time to wander around again to enjoy and take some photos, particularly as the rain had stopped and the sun was actually shining. At 9.31am, it was suddenly heaving. A lot of people were there for a wedding that was taking place in the ... read more
Portmeirion View
Prisoner Shop

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon July 23rd 2015

Thursday 23 July 2015 Weather watching in Britain must be the most popular past time. It is certainly the favourite conversation piece. The last day or two has proved this to be true. A brief glance out of the window gave promise of a fine day. Our host offered to provide an early breakfast so we could get on the road for our much anticipated visit to Mt Snowdon, the highest mountain in England and Wales. The forty minute drive to Llanberis, our starting point, was uneventful except for the few spots of rain forecast to fall at 10:00 am. How good are the UK Meteorologists? We hope they are not that good because there is another shower forecast at 4:00 pm. We arrive at destination, park in a large carpark controlled by the nearby hotel, ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon April 25th 2012

There are a variety of routes up Mount Snowdon but the more achievable of these is the Llanberis Path. Despite this we were still feeling anxious and concerned about heading into the unknown. The ascent begins on the High Street but quickly we were confronted by an incredibly steep hill. It was still a tarmac road at this early stage but the incline was severe. Our calf muscles were burning whilst every step became harder and harder. Surely it can't be like this all the way? Luckily it flattened out or we wouldn't have climbed 100m let alone 1100m. The path was originally used as a pony and mule track. The poor asses were used to carry tourists up from Llanberis. To our right, as we steadily climbed, were stunning views across the Rushy Valley, named ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon March 25th 2012

Well the first of the three peaks is completed. Yesterday two friends and I climbed Snowdon in Wales. We went up the Pyg track and down Miners. It was not quite what I expected or in some ways was equipped for, but read on. The first surprise was how busy it was: it’s only just spring here but when we arrived just before 9:30 in the morning the car park was already full and there was a constant stream of people making their way up the tracks to the top. The next surprise was how hot it was. I have been monitoring the forecasts for the last couple of weeks and the previous weekend snow had been forecast and for the day of the walk, bright sunshine 10 degrees Celsius and dry. When we left home ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon October 10th 2011

Snowdon Horse Shoe Treck to raise money for my expedition to Costa Rica 2012. Completed in July, was tough but extremely rewarding! ... read more
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Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon July 10th 2011

There was a reason for the timing of our climb up Snowdon. As my alarm called its robotic chant at 6.30, it was exactly one year since we were climbing the highest mountain in England, Scafell Pike in the Lake District. The warmth of bed was the antithesis of that climb; the day began cool and wet and got worse, on the way I misjudged a river crossing and spent the rest of the day squelching those cold, wet, sore feet, as we got higher the winds became stronger, driving in hail and mist and pretty much everything else weather can strike you with. This was only the half-way point of the three peaks challenge though, the pointless journey to climb the highest mountain in England, Scotland and Wales and drive between them in less than ... read more
Cloudy up top
To the sea

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon June 1st 2011

I have finally climbed the highest mountain in Wales and England! I admit I’ve become a little obsessed with getting this mountain out of the way. I’ve had a crack at it twice and while I’ve been to the top before, not until now, 100% under my own steam. Visit 1 was last March which was the tourist train to the snow line, a trudge to the summit in the snow then back down by foot. Visit 2 was last August when we got turned back about 2/3 of the way up by 60 mile an hour winds coming up over the ridge. Visit 3 ... Success! Snowdon at 1085m (3,650ft) isn’t the toughest mountain to climb and if you choose one of the more relaxed routes on the West Side of the mountain, like we ... read more
The gang at the start
Awesome little teashop
View to the top (well the cloud)

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon May 30th 2010

29/5/2010 Dolleglau With the rain bucketing down we made a slow start. Anticipating the worst of British roads with a wet start to the bank holiday weekend. We set off under the guidance of our sat nav along the motor way but with less traffic then expected. We cruised along the beautiful lush welsh countryside, along the narrow roads lined with cobblestone fences making it to Dollgelau with glimpses of sunshine. Unbeknown to us today was the Annual Dolleglau fun run a 5km run up Ras y Fordd so we grabbed some fish and chips and watched the predominately male crowd set off to the subzero peak. Following the main event start we wandered around the small village amongst the stone buildings and watched the under 12's set off for their mini run. We layed a ... read more
Dolgelau 5 mile
There Off!
The Old Hotel

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Gwynedd » Snowdon February 19th 2010

Hi, few pics from our trip to Snowdonia .... read more

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