Snowdon Wales

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March 25th 2012
Published: March 25th 2012
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Well the first of the three peaks is completed. Yesterday two friends and I climbed Snowdon in Wales. We went up the Pyg track and down Miners. It was not quite what I expected or in some ways was equipped for, but read on.

The first surprise was how busy it was: it’s only just spring here but when we arrived just before 9:30 in the morning the car park was already full and there was a constant stream of people making their way up the tracks to the top.

The next surprise was how hot it was. I have been monitoring the forecasts for the last couple of weeks and the previous weekend snow had been forecast and for the day of the walk, bright sunshine 10 degrees Celsius and dry. When we left home it was damp and foggy, so following all the advice, walking boots, base layer, mid layer, fleece hat and gloves all duly packed in the rucksack along with the hydration pack. I knew I would be in trouble as soon as we finally parked, got loaded up and headed off for the start. Fluids were going to be a problem all day, so off to the shop and two additional bottles of Lucozade purchased we headed off through the crowds to make a start.

The climb itself was not too punishing on the body although the steep bits got the heart pounding, but the heat sapped the energy levels and by the time we reached the top we were running out of fluids. Despite the crowds the shop was not open; they must have lost thousands with the amount of people at the top: you had to queue to get the triangulation point on the very top.

The views all the way up and from the summit were fantastic and the human sights, from people carrying blow up dolls, to wearing bright purple morph suits were certainly entertaining.

But the walk down the steeper Miners track was punishing on the lower legs and knees and more of a scramble down the rocks than the way up. But we made it down straight to the shop that was virtually sold out of drinks, with only a few left to choose from.

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