Blogs from Lazio, Italy, Europe


Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome January 10th 2024

We’ve had a couple recent cab drivers try to get us to pay with cash. Last night’s ride to the cooking class actually sat in the square waiting after we said we didn’t have enough euro. So, we gave him a 10 euro and 3 american dollars. That showed him! After class, the tour guide, Lisa, called a cab for us and told him that we would be using a card. No argument. Today, we used FreeNow, which is already tied to a card. No option. That worked well. Another nice train ride, taxi driver quite chatty (wanted cash but I prevailed). His mother-in-law's sister was married to an American sailor and lived in Virginia Beach for 20 years! Small world. Sunny here but very windy! Checked into our airbnb but our colds are getting worse ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome January 9th 2024

We both had colds and were exhausted from the Tour on Monday, so I went and got sandwiches and we took a day of rest. We had a class, Cooking in the Jewish Ghetto, scheduled in the evening. It was a great class--history of the Ghetto along with making pasta, stuffed zucchini flower. We made Pasta Amatriciana (a typical dish of Roman but originally from Amatrice, in the providence of Rieti; the basic ingredients are tomatoes, guanciale (salt-cured pork cheek,) pecorino romano cheese, and pepperoncini) cacio e pepe ((pronounced: kaa-chee-ow ee peh-pay) is made with just three ingredients: aged pecorino Romano cheese, freshly ground black pepper, and pasta). Then, the fun part—packing to head to Naples tomorrow!... read more
Turtle Fountain
Broader view of the Piazza
At our stations

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome January 7th 2024

We had breakfast at the American restaurant, Homebaked. Lots of bacon (real), pancakes, eggs, etc., on the menu. Lots of Americans eating that breakfast. Mike had avacado toast which he loved. Walked over to St. Peter’s Square for Angelus and blessing. Square was packed today, as opposed to yesterday afternoon. We had tickets for the Rome Hop On Hop Off bus but had to walk to the other side of the Tiber to get to a stop. Mike had picked up a cold and was feeling crumby, and it was raining off and on. We got on the bus and rode the full cycle. ‘Saw’ the coliseum and Circus Maximus but most of the sites were a walk after leaving the bus so we stayed on and listened to the narration. When we got off, we ... read more
Pope addresses the crown
Close-up, on screens around the square
Tiber and Castle S’Antangelo

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome January 6th 2024

Our hotel was very close to the train station so we walked over. Knowing where to enter and getting up the stairs was a bit of an issue. I’m sure there was an entry with ramps but we made it in. Figured out the departures board, got a cappuccino (Mike) and, since we were over an hour early, found a place to sit and people-watch. When our train to Rome had a platform assigned, we headed down, found our car (on the tickets) and seats. We had chosen them when we bought the tickets. Fast train and they meant it! Quiet, clean, luggage racks at front and back of car. Off the train in Rome, found the taxi stand and went to Airbnb. The owner was waiting for us and showed us in, down an elevator ... read more
Waiting for our train
On the train.
View from the train

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome December 21st 2023

Cesta přes oceán se tentokrát uskuteční s přestupem v Římě. Zastávka v Římě je dvacetihodinová, takže jsem si zamluvil pokoj. Hotel jsem vybíral s ohledem na Suverénní řád Maltézských rytířů. Ten je z pohledu mezinárodního práva svrchovaným nestátním subjektem bez vlastního území. To mu však nezakazuje vydávat poštovní známky. A má navázané diplomatické styky s různými zeměmi, včetně České republiky. Kdo mě zná dobře, ví, že hotel je hned za rohem od pošty Maltézského řádu. Naštěstí do ČR řád díky vztahům poštu doručuje. Takže plán byl skvělý, ale znáte to. Člověk míní a Pánbůh mění. Týden před odletem jsem nešťastně upadl na kovový vozík a hned jsou zuby pryč, spodní dáseň orvaná a rozsekané koleno. Naštěstí mě na Karlově náměstí v nemocnici dali do kupy, zašili, co bylo třeba, a poslali na obvod. Zubařka mi zuby ... read more
20190603-05 Římské metro A 02
20190603-06 Poštovní schránka SŘMR
20190603-07 Pošta SŘMR 01

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome October 22nd 2023

Ah. Solo travel. I’m back bay-bee! Not that I didn’t enjoy the company of my fellow travelers while exploring Egypt & Jordan, but I do get a certain thrill of independence when going it alone. Besides, I enjoy all those crazy idiosyncrasies from traveling that burble up to the surface. Like. Trying to decipher a train schedule in a different language. Washing my smalls in a sink. Getting ripped off by a taxi driver. Getting caught up in a photo deluge of Asian tourists. Having a communication breakdown with the Carrefour cashier. Ordering something off a menu without knowing what it is. That familiarity of confusion when I’m by myself somehow feels so strangely comforting. So. Italy. What an absolute gem. Interestingly enough, my plan to wait until I officially retired before visiting Europe…one of my ... read more
Quintessential Roma
Picnic in the Park
Mamma Mia

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome September 18th 2023

After a lovely cup of Italian coffee, I walked the last few kilometres to the church of San Pietro In Montorio where the Earls are buried. It was surprisingly moving seeing their memorials. I found Hugh O'Neill's memorial easily enough. However, I couldn't find the one to Rory O'Donnell despite searching all the aisles of the small church. Fortunately the Parish Priest was in the church at the time. He was quite knowlegeable about the Earls. When I asked where Rory O'Donnell was buried he rolled back the blue carpet in front of the altar to reveal both his and Hugh O'Neill Jnr's memorials. They both died quite soon after arriving in Rome. Their deaths and funerals occurred within the time frame covered by Tadhg O'Cianain in The Flight of The Earls. The Earls arrived in ... read more
Memorial to Hugh O'Neill.
Interior of San Pietro in Montorio.
Interior San Pietro in Montorio

Europe » Italy » Lazio September 13th 2023

After a very relaxing and much needed day off in Foligno I set off for the campsite near Narni. I soon pick up signs for the Spoletto to Assisi cycleway and they lead me go a lovely canal side cycle path. I get to enjoy it for 40km or so before the inevitable climb. It's a very hot day, but thankfully there are plenty of trees provideing lots of shade. The temperature difference under the trees and in the sun is amazing. Trees are just brilliant. The climb peaked at 1,984 feet and was very steep in places. There were loads of white admiral butterflies sunning themselves on the road. The forest was silent save for some crickets and the rustle of dry leaves everytime a lizard scurried off. The winding descent to Terni was very ... read more
white admirals
Brimstone butterfly

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome August 11th 2023

Departed “Just Chillin” by arranged transport at 10am for Rome’s Fiumicino airport and the beginning of the return legs to home base, Perth. The HIGHS: (Likes) Robert and Mary Elliott – their love, care, sharing and humour Sheep – the black ones, the white ones, the mixed up ones, the lambs Hairy cattle – the brown and the black Shetland Islands … remoteness, vistas, cliffs, narrow roads Climbing Cairngorms – the view Scotland – the vistas Anne Boyd – renewing and humour Ferry journeys - overnighters Yorkshire Dales – the stone fenced fields Viaducts The hikes Hilary and Peter Shaw – friendship and care Sorrento – clean and vistas Ravello views … of Amalfi coast Matera/Sassi … Puglia region Lecce Old Town … Pulgia region Dubrovnik wall and Old Town Sailing Croatian Islands … Komiza and ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome August 10th 2023

We didn’t rush to rise. When we did it was a short walk to a breakfast venue we had decided on the previous evening. From our seats we could see calendars for sale. We’ve seen the firemen calendars, naked women calendars, animal calendars, numerous calendars, and today Catholic priest calendars. Back to “Just Chillin’ to try and contact Vueling with no success by any medium. It was only after I knew the result of the Eagles game at 11.15 that we left our accommodation, silly really, as it was heating up fast. We made our way to the Colosseum, where 1000’s of other human beings were too. It is impressive. For readers of this post who have visited the structure, I’m sure you would agree. The Colosseum is an elliptical amphitheatre and the largest one standing ... read more

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