Blogs from Dresden, Saxony, Germany, Europe


Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden May 19th 2023

After leaving Berlin we spent a day in Dresden. After arriving at the hotel we walked as a group around the old city taking in the Zwinger Palace Courtyard, the Palace, Cathedral, and the Frauenkirche. The Zwinger Courtyard is under construction so we could only look at it from a distance. We continued to walk by the palace and Cathedral which are connected with a bridge for easy access from palace to church. We passed the FürstenZug. A mural depicting the "Procession of Princes" over periods of time. After completing the group tour, we had the rest of the day free as we did not take the option tour for the afternoon. We first attempted to complete two geocaches Fred had wanted to try. We failed initially on both attempts misreading the first, which we eventually ... read more
 Julius Otto Monument
 Church Tower is open

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden August 19th 2021

Wow. Yes, I'm back. The last time I posted to this blog, I said that was going to take a break from travelling for a while and that I didn't know when I would be posting next. Never in my wildest imagination did I think that it would be a break of two and a half years - and never in my wildest nightmares did I think that the world would be forever changed by a global pandemic. Pandemics? Surely, they only happen in the movies. Alas, this was no Hollywood disaster film, this was real life and the scale of the coronavirus pandemic still astonishes me to this day. It is almost impossible to think of a global event that has literally affected every single human being on the planet and that has completely changed ... read more
Walking Along The Roof Of The Zwinger Palace
Äußere Neustadt

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden July 6th 2019

After a brief overnight stop in Wittenberg to see the school my brother has been teaching in and meet some of his colleagues, we trained on to Dresden. When my youngest brothers were still in high school, my family hosted an exchange student from Dresden. He has been back to Minnesota several times to visit, and my youngest brothers and I have all visited Dresden in the last years. So, this visit was the most home-like of all our stops because there were so many people ready and excited to welcome us. The evening of our arrival, we went to explore Dresden's old town. Since its destruction in 1945, the city has grown back and the old town in beautiful. The center of the old town is the Dresden Frauenkirche, which was rebuilt using both original ... read more
The Frauenkirche
Stone from the original Frauenkirche
Dresden Opera

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden May 17th 2019

It’s my last day of visiting old haunts. I have enjoyed my trip down memory lane. There is still a distinct difference between east and west Germany; here it’s more laid back and the people are friendlier. Other ways they remain linked to the past; the WiFi is rubbish, there’s still a Woolworths and a C&A, even the odd Trabant. We start the day with a different car and a tour of the Glaserne Manufaktur (the transparent factory) where they manufacture the VW E-Golf. The building, made entirely of glass, sitting in the corner of a park, is quite a sight. We opt to walk the 2 miles to the factory because we have been told it is difficult to park there! To be honest, the factory is little more than a PR stunt. In this ... read more
VW factory
VW factory
VW factory

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden May 16th 2019

Not the best start to the day. I sat on the toilet and the seat hinge snapped. This has left me in a bad mood for two reasons: (1) I am sad that my arse is so enormous that a toilet seat can’t bear its weight, and (2) the seat subsequently slipped, pinching aforementioned enormous arse, thus hurting more than just my pride. Once the toilet seat debacle is over, we check out. We had planned some more sightseeing in Berlin but the weather is hideous so we set off instead on the 115 mile drive south to Dresden. Before we leave, I attempt to buy some postcards. I enter the shop, spend a not inconsiderable amount of time selecting my postcards, then approach the cashier. She tells me she doesn’t open for another 15 minutes. ... read more
Semper 2

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden July 24th 2018

Bonjour à tous, La journée d‘aujourd‘hui, a été parfaite. Par rapport à celle d’hier, c’est facile de les rendre parfaites. Ma plus grosses déprimes à été à mon retour du souper, lorsque je ne pouvais plus ouvrir le site Travel Blog sur la tablette. C’était une des rares fois où il n’était pas fini. Habituellement je le corrige après le souper, je fais des ajouts auxquels j’ai pensé en mangeant, j’essaie de corriger mes fautes, et surtout celle de la tablette qui en génère en quantité plus les mots qu’elle invente, ou qu’elle tronque. Je sais c’est moi qui ne sais pas assez bien l’utiliser. Surtout que la soirée avait été super agréable à Wroclaw. Sur la grande place Zubeck, plein de restaurants énormément de monde qui se promenait. 25º la soirée parfaite pour sortir et ... read more
Dresde Frauenkiche
Katholische Holfkirche
Martin Luther

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden April 30th 2018

Am Montag bin ich über die ebenfalls schön erneuerte A14 von Leipzig nach Dresden gefahren. Mein erster Besuch in der Stadt war ja schon 1996 oder 1997 auf dem Weg von Nürnberg nach Berlin, dann nochmals zu einem Training 2001 und ein weiteres Mal 2012. Kurz vor der Stadt habe ich ein Schild gesehen: "Parkplätze voll. Straßenbahn benutzen." Trotzdem habe ich problemlos in einem Parkhaus im Zentrum einen solchen gefunden. Ich denke, wenn man sein Volk auf so dumme Weise belügt, muss man sich nicht wundern, wenn es erbost jeden Montag auf die Straße geht. Meine erste Station in der Stadt war das Starbucks am Altmarkt. Dort habe ich mal wieder einen Frappuccino getrunken. Dann bin ich zur Semper Oper, wo ich schon vor ein paar Wochen ein Ticket für eine Führung gekauft habe. Diese war ... read more
Die Dresdner Semperoper.
Das alte Zentrum von Dresden.
Das alte Zentrum von Dresden.

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden January 26th 2018

Nastastie zachod nebol ogrcany, tak ranna hygiena prebehla v pohode. Po rozlucke s nemcom odovzdanie karty na recepcii a smer vlakova stanica. Tu som mal v jednej kaviarny pockat japonku. No lenze som zabudol jej nazov, tak cakanie na bus zastavke pri stanici. Predtym ale navsteva lidlu a nakup ranajok. Lidl je v stanicnej budove, tak paradicka. Na stanici je aj freewifi ale iba na 30.min Regiojet nemeskal, inak keby ma yumiko neoslovi tak ju ani nespoznam. Totalne iny uces a na sebe obleceny, no ako by som to nazval, proste zupan. Cakal som, ze bude mat neaky plan,no nic nemala, teda az na dve veci. Naslepo sme sa zacali teda prechadzat mestom. Rozne “stare” budovy, kostoliky atd. Na namesticku este boli pozostatky vianocnych trhov, nechybalo klzisko a obria smyklavka. Ako prenikame viac a viac do ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden January 25th 2018

Na ranajky ryza s roznymi japonskymi prisadami, ktore som si lubovolne sypal zo sackou (susene riasy,susena ryba…..) Po jedle este mini pokec a pobratie sa pesibusom do blizkeho parku Volkspark Friedrichshain. Park velky, s dvoma kopcami, fontanou, mensim jazerom a s par ihriskami pre deti. Ak by bolo teplejsie fajn miesto na relax. Z parku smer alexander platz, cestou nic zaujimave. Kedze zacinalo poprchat tak to balim a naskakujem na sbahn smer….. Free wifi ziadna tak zhavim mobilne data, appka mi hned nasla spojenia vratane ceny a nastupista. Pri nakupe listka mensi problem, nevedel som to prepnut na mhd a pritom stacilo zmacknut len velke logo berlina. Nastastie mi to jeden z domacich ukazal. S jednym prestupom sa dostavam na stanicu Berlin Südkreuz. V sbahne pobehoval aj jeden predajca servitkov, udajne hluchonemy. Co sa tyka zebrakov, ... read more

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden December 20th 2017

We didn't know what to expect in Dresden. All we knew was that we missed the opportunity to visit the city some 24 years ago and have thought about going many times since then. Finally we had the chance so we jumped on the train from Berlin and spent a few days exploring what turned out to be a fantastic destination. Staying in the old town (well, the historical part of the city as we all know what happened 70-odd years ago) was out of our budget so we opted for the NH Hotel in Neustadt, the new town. It was very comfortable and, once we had figured out how to get around by tram, very conveniently located. We bought a 3 day pass which enabled us to use public transport,and it also gave us discounted ... read more

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