Eagle 46


Eagle 46

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Heidelberg May 25th 2023

Thursday, May 25, was our last full day in Germany before flying home early on the 26th. The hotel we stayed at in the Black Forest had a house sized cuckoo clock that we made sure we saw in action before we left. Our adventure today took us to the university town of Heidelberg. This was our second visit to Heidelberg so we had seen much of the city in the past. We did not get to the university section this visit. We took the funicular to the castle and spent some time there as much of it was behind scaffolding on our last visit. We took time to walk out on the terrace to overlook the city and take in the thought that Fred's paternal family lived just up the Neckar River in Binau am ... read more
 Old Train Station
 Old Train Station
Heidelberg Castle

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Fussen May 24th 2023

We awoke to another gray and dreary morning in Fuessen. Today was our scheduled trip to Neuschwanstein, Mad King Ludwig's famed castle. I was hoping to get "the picture" from the Maria Bridge which was one of the reasons for our trip. Unfortunately the bridge was completely enveloped in fog and the castle could not be seen. The walk traveling from the bridge to the castle in the rain was not enjoyable. As we made our way to the castle the mist became a heavy rain with no place to stand under cover. A kind worker at the castle allowed us in a covered courtyard area to await our entry time. We did complete the tour inside seeing the mostly empty rooms and climbing dozens of steps to do so. I knew that there was very ... read more
 Little lizards ?
Castle Side

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Fussen May 23rd 2023

We woke up on Tuesday morning, the 23rd, to rain and fog. Our excursion for today was to travel to the top of Germany's highest mountain, The Zugspitze. Needless to say the trip was cancelled as there was no visibility on the mountain top thus the transportation to the top was not operating. This now gave us the whole day free in Fuessen. Our first adventure was to search for two geocaches a short distance away in a little park. It looked innocent enoughuntil we found we were climbing almost straight uphill. The rain had brought out both snails and slugs on the path. From the path we got a look at the Forggensee off in the distance. After a successful climb up and back down we returned to our room for a bit before venturing ... read more
German Snail
 German Slug
Looking Toward the High Palace

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich May 22nd 2023

After leaving Rothenburg, we drove to Munich for the night. This morning we started out with a bus tour of the city. This was quite a disappointment as it was very difficult to see the landmarks that were pointed out and construction and traffic the drive was not a pleasant one. The one nice stop on the drive was at Nymphenburg Palace, the summer home of Max Emanuel. It was he, who in the late 1600's, increased the size to what it is today.From there we made our way to Marienplatz to enjoy the rest of the morning and have lunch. In this area is the New City Hall, home of a Glockenspiel, that we were lucky enough to enjoy as it only activates three times a day. To watch this easily, we snagged a table ... read more
Siegestor - Stands as a reminder to peace
 Olympic Tower in Olympic Park

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Rothenburg ob der Tauber May 21st 2023

On a beautiful Sunday morning we headed along the Romantic Road to the walled city of Rothenburg. This is perhaps my favorite German city having visited here in the past. When we arrived early enough that many streets were still deserted. We walked as a group to the market square before heading off on our own. We headed off to some favorite spots including the Plönlein where you can view two gates into the city. We walked the streets, ducked down an alley for a different view of the area and spent some time viewing the art in St. Jacob's Church including paintings from the 1600's and the Blood Altar. We were in Rothenburg for lunch and since we were not partaking of the dinner in Munich this evening, we decided to get a nice lunch. ... read more
 Wall Around Rothenburg
 Rothenburg City Wall

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Nuremberg (aka Nürnberg) May 20th 2023

Our tour continued on this morning into Bavaria to the city of Bayreuth. The city is know for its connection to Richard Wagner and his operas. The city holds a festival for Richard Wagner and he had a strong influence on the opera house. We started there with a tour walking thought the streets to the New Palace. Once there we were on our own to explore the city and grab some lunch. We took in some of the gardens and statuary of the palace and from there looked for lunch. Most eateries served sweets so we ended up with crapes filled with Nutella served with vanilla ice cream. It was quite good. After lunch we walked the pedestrian streets for a bit passing the Old Palace and oddly enough a large dinosaur. Leaving Bayreuth we ... read more
Sculpture by the Opera House
 Lutheran Church in Bayreuth
Margravial Opera House

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden May 19th 2023

After leaving Berlin we spent a day in Dresden. After arriving at the hotel we walked as a group around the old city taking in the Zwinger Palace Courtyard, the Palace, Cathedral, and the Frauenkirche. The Zwinger Courtyard is under construction so we could only look at it from a distance. We continued to walk by the palace and Cathedral which are connected with a bridge for easy access from palace to church. We passed the FürstenZug. A mural depicting the "Procession of Princes" over periods of time. After completing the group tour, we had the rest of the day free as we did not take the option tour for the afternoon. We first attempted to complete two geocaches Fred had wanted to try. We failed initially on both attempts misreading the first, which we eventually ... read more
 Julius Otto Monument
 Church Tower is open

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin May 18th 2023

Today was a busy day for us as we included two excursions to our trip in and around Berlin. Our first trip was to Potsdam just on the other side of the line between West Berlin and East Germany during the Cold War. We crossed the Gleinicker Bridge near Potsdam where several spy exchanges were made and them made our way to Cecilienhof where the Potsdam Conference was held during which the decision was made by Churchill, Truman and Stalin to divide up Germany into four sectors as well as dividing Berlin the same way. This eventually led to the building of the Berlin Wall separating east from west. After leaving Cecilienhof, we continued on to Sanssouci (without worry) Palace home to Frederick the Great. This was his summer home where he retreated to relax. He ... read more
 Babelsberg Palace
At the end of the Bridge
Collanade at the end of the bridge

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin May 17th 2023

After spending the night in Cologne, we boarded the train and embarked on a 5 hour train ride to the city of Berlin. The train ride was uneventful and not particularly noteworthy and did arrive an hour late to our destination. We attempted to purchase lunch on the train, but anything we wanted they did not have. I settled for a cup of hot chocolate. On that note, coffee in Germany is not the coffee we are accustom to so ordering coffee came with a risk that it was too strong to drink. We learned to water down the coffee at breakfast. The main reason to take the train was to shorten the trip from Cologne to Berlin by half. Upon arriving in Berlin we were met by our Berlin tour guide and taken on a ... read more
Stops Along the Way
Looking out the Window
The Hanging Train in Wuppertal

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne May 16th 2023

We had breakfast at the hotel and boarded our bus with Robert, our driver and Anna-Lena, our tour director to begin our journey around Germany. Our group of 44 included individuals of various nationalities, ages and ethnicities. Our first adventure was aboard a river boat to cruise along a portion of the Rhine River, dotted with castles and small river towns along the banks, for about 1 1/2 hours. The weather was chilly and windy so the best location was inside the boat making photography more difficult, but definitely more comfortable. Reaching the end of our cruise at St. Goar, we once again climbed aboard the bus to continue on to Cologne. After a brief introduction to the city, we were free to explore until the beer tasting mid-afternoon. We have been to Cologne in the ... read more
Along the Rhine
Ehrenfels Castle
Town Along the Rhine - Assmannshausen

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